Irishman defends drinking 81 pints in one weekend and claims he didn’t get hangover

Despite how many pints that one mate might brag he can sink in a night, it always ends in a hangover.

Or even a vomit in the pub toilets before they’ve even hit their ‘target’.

But this Irishman drank a whopping 81 pints over one weekend claims he wasn’t hungover at all afterwards.

The Guinness lover defended his ‘dangerous’ drinking as others slammed him as ‘moronic’.

Sean Bryan says he hit the pints at 1pm on 29 December and carried on for the next two days – finishing his 81st at 9pm on New Year’s Eve.

And it’s safe to say the 33-year-old ended up in bed before midnight.

Over the mega weekend, Bryan splashed €400 (£344) on beer, with Guinness being his absolute favourite.

After he shared his ‘achievements’ online, Bryan went viral and was slammed as ‘stupid’ for boasting about his drinking.

The NHS recommend drinking no more than 14 units of alcohol a week, spread across three days or more – that’s about six pints of beer.

The lad sank 81 pints.

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It also advises that drinking too much too quickly on a single occasion can increase risk of accidents resulting in injury (and even death), misjudging risky situations and losing self-control.

So, Bryan ended up guzzling 186.3 alcohol units in his weekend – more than 13 times the recommended weekly maximum units.

The Irishman said: “I don’t think it’s dangerous to do on the odd occasion but if you were doing it week by week it would be.

“But as it was a one off and because it was Christmas, [it was okay] and I don’t really ever count calories.”

He didn't make it to midnight.

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His 81 pints beat his last record of 78 but says: “It was not really a challenge I set myself, it just became a kick between friends.”

He even claims he was just ‘quite tired’ afterwards, but not hungover.

Bryan’s mates have now challenged him to 100 Guinnesses in three days but he has decided against it, thankfully.

He said: “People in the comments were saying I would be dead before I was 40 and I was very unhealthy looking and I did take this a bit to heart.

“[Drinking the 81 Guinnesses] is over and done with now but I wouldn’t want any young people reading this and thinking of me as a role model or anything like that.

“I just did it for a bit of crack. It was enjoyable to do at the time though and I think as a one off it’s okay to do.

Not everyone was impressed by his drinking.

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“On social media everyone has an opinion. That’s the generation we’re growing up in now and that’s the way it is.”

Users called it ‘stupid’ and a ‘savage amount’, while some think he’s an ‘absolute legend’.

Alcohol Change UK said they were unable to comment on the specific incident, but issued the following guidance: “The UK’s Chief Medical Officers low-risk drinking guidelines recommend staying under 14 units a week (that’s about six pints of normal strength beer or a bottle and a half of wine), and spreading your intake over three days or more with a few alcohol-free days too.

“Regularly drinking above the recommended low-risk guidelines can be harmful to our health.”