Jeon Jong-seo’s classmate “School violence? She wasn’t that kind of person”

Following the “school violence” controversy surrounding actress Song Ha-yoon, similar allegations have been raised against actress Jeon Jong-seo

In this regard, Jeon Jong-seo’s agency declared, “After directly confirming with the actress, we have confirmed that the allegations are baseless. We will take legal action.”

While fans are viewing the possibility of school violence by Jeon Jong-seo as low, a post was uploaded online in her defense.

Recently, a post titled “I’m a middle school classmate of Jeon Jong-seo” was uploaded on the online community “Nate Pann”. The author claimed to be a former classmate of Jeon Jong-seo from the same middle school.

The author, A, began the post by saying, “I’m so angry that I ended up writing this post even though I didn’t plan to.”

A said, “When Jeon Jong-seo was the class president, we were in the same class. She was a genuine friend who sincerely supported my childhood dreams and believed I would succeed. She was friendly with everyone and was not someone who would harm others.”

A continued, “So, I don’t understand who exactly was bullied and how. She never showed any violent behavior, nor did she steal money. She wasn’t that kind of person. Jeon Jong-seo was always well-behaved.”

A also reminisced about their impression of Jeon Jong-seo.

A said, “She never even swore once, and she did well in school. I’ve never seen her being called to the office. I don’t know what bullying the victim supposedly experienced. If the victim doesn’t come forward or show evidence, it’s unclear.”

To prove that they graduated from the same middle school as Jeon Jong-seo, A publicly shared their diploma.

Previously, allegations suggesting that Jeon Jong-seo had committed school violence were posted online.

On April 4th, Jeon Jong-seo’s agency ANDMARQ released a statement stating, “As soon as we became aware of the post on online communities, we thoroughly checked the facts with the actress and people around her. As a result, we confirmed that the claims are not true at all.

They added, “Speculative posts and malicious comments are spreading indiscriminately, causing serious mental damage to the actress and people around her. Accordingly, we’ve decided to take necessary legal action through our legal representative to protect the actress.”

Furthermore, they explained, “The post that sparked controversy has been deleted. Posts containing false information are being prepared for legal action by the agency with evidence collected.”