Jung Joon Young Has Been Officially Released From Prison

Jung Joon Young has been released from prison after serving a total of five years.

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According to an exclusive report from News1, Jung Joon Young was silently released from prison early in the morning on March 19, 2024. He was released from the Mokpo Prison Center in Jeollanam-do at 5:05 am.

Jung Joon Young was seen leaving the prison in all black, wearing a hat, mask, and glasses covering most of his face. He briefly faced the reporters who were present but left without saying anything.

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The media is now paying attention to what Jung Joon Young will do in the future as when he admitted to his crimes, he stated he would halt all of his entertainment activities.

Jung Joon Young was sentenced to five years in prison for his role in the Burning Sun Scandal, sexually assaulting an intoxicated woman and sharing inappropriate videos taken of women.