Lee Dong Gun was emaciated by alcoholism for 10 years and had to be hospitalized for 2 months for psychological treatment after his younger brother passed away.

Lee Dong Gun was immersed in grief, causing him to suffer from mental illness and alcoholism for the past 10 years.

In the latest episode of My Little Old Boy, Lee Dong Gun revealed his psychological condition to the audience. The actor suffers from post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and alcoholism. The program recorded the scene where Lee Dong Gun went to the psychological clinic and here he said: “Don’t ask me when I drink, but ask me when I don’t drink, because I drink almost every day.”

It is known that after losing his younger brother, Lee Dong Gun drank alcohol every day for 10 years. This caused him to have memory paralysis, difficulty staying awake, and shaky hands. The actor was also hospitalized for 2 months to treat post-traumatic stress disorder. The Celebrity actor’s appearance also became haggard and old because of his alcohol addiction.

The psychologist talked to Lee Dong Gun, making him confide his feelings: “I lost my younger brother. Even though I’m much older, my younger brother is the more mature one. I feel great after what happened. happens. Every time I lie down, I think negatively. Because I don’t want to think anymore, I drink alcohol. I think I’ve abused alcohol the wrong way. I feel unfair and betrayed by God, which is even worse. greater than sadness”.

Lee Dong Gun gradually became emotionless to cope with the pain: “I can’t stand it if I still live like a sentimental person. I became a dry person as intended but felt uncomfortable when I saw others express their feelings. reveal emotions”. Lee Dong Gun’s psychological tests had emotional scores below average. Currently, he only maintains contact with about 30 people, including family, friends and people in the company. From time to time, the actor continues to erase these connections.

Until now, Lee Dong Gun’s mother only knew that her son had been hospitalized for treatment of post-traumatic stress disorder. She felt sad and very regretful: “I was so immersed in my sadness that I didn’t care about my son’s sadness. I feel very regretful and guilty.”

In addition, the psychological test also showed that Lee Dong Gun still had many problems with his strict father. In the past, his father opposed his son’s dream of becoming an actor. The actor left home and when he returned, he discovered that the door had been locked differently. But now, his wish is to drink and talk with his father. The doctor encouraged Lee Dong Gun to express his feelings to his father: “I hope you will try it once. Then I will allow you to drink alcohol.”