Ma Yuqin and Li Yucheng, an old wife and young husband who have been married for 20 years, have recently had conflicts

Ma Yuqin and Li Yucheng are old wives and young husbands. His wife Ma Yuqin is 32 years older than her husband. Their marriage is quite sensational and famous in Liaoning Province. Many people say that Li Yucheng has a love for mothers. Since he has married a wife who is so many years older than himself, he is still his aunt.

Li Yucheng called Ma Yuqin as his aunt, and both of them had a jade character in their names. This might be a destiny for them.

Ma Yuqin and Li Yucheng, an old wife and young husband who have been married for 20 years, have recently had conflicts

Ma Yuqin and Li Yucheng

Ma Yuqin danced as a duo in the northeast. At that time, it was more famous in Liaoning to perform better. Many fans heard that Ma Yuqin had a performance not far away from the car to see Ma Yuqin’s performance. At that time, Li Yucheng was also a fan of Ma Yuqin. Ma Yuqin performed on stage and Li Yucheng watched from the audience. Later, Li Yucheng simply drove directly to Ma Yuqin’s team to fight against him. Firstly, he could make some money and secondly, he could get in touch with Ma Yuqin more opportunities.

At that time, although Li Yucheng was in the duo turn, Li Yucheng, who was very talented in acting, quickly understood the essence of the duo turn. Seeing Li Yucheng’s talent, Ma Yuqin gave Li Yucheng a position of Huadan. In addition to having the opportunity to perform on stage, he could also do the planning of the crew.

Ma Yuqin and Li Yucheng, an old wife and young husband who have been married for 20 years, have recently had conflicts

Ma Yuqin and Li Yucheng rehearse in the park

With the addition of Li Yucheng in Ma Yuqin’s team, many affairs and performances were better than before. Ma Yuqin’s team was really well-known in Liaoning at that time, and Ma Yuqin and Li Yucheng’s hard work was inseparable here. And Li Yucheng’s love for Ma Yuqin has always been suppressed in his heart and dare not confess, because the age difference is too far.

Because the town next door often invites Ma Yuqin to perform, and they happen to pass a river on the way to the next town. Li Yucheng often crosses the river with Ma Yuqin on his back. Once Li Yucheng suddenly confessed to Ma Yuqin when he was crossing the river with Ma Yuqin on his back, saying that he had always admired Ma Yuqin with all his heart, and hoped to marry Ma Yuqin and become a husband and wife. Ma Yuqin didn’t know how to answer when he heard it, so he said that he would give a reply in five days!

The guy in front of him is willing to be smart is Ma Yuqin’s evaluation of Li Yucheng. After a few years of divorce, he needs his partner to accompany him. You can’t live alone all your life, but the age difference is so big, and Ma Yuqin’s two sons (born by his ex-husband) expressed firm opposition to this. Li Yucheng is younger than himself. This will make people laugh out loud.

Li Yucheng’s parents also objected. Li Yucheng’s parents wanted their son to have children and inherit the family. If they marry Ma Yuqin as a daughter-in-law, they might be dead in the future, so they tried their best to stop Li Yucheng’s ideas.

Ma Yuqin and Li Yucheng, an old wife and young husband who have been married for 20 years, have recently had conflicts

Ma Yuqin and Li Yucheng’s wedding photo

But none of this stopped the love of the two of them, they desperately abused and obstructed. One day Li Yucheng secretly took the household registration book and married Ma Yuqin.

There is no place to live, they rented a house in the place closest to the crew, and they plan to live together in the future.

Ma Yuqin and Li Yucheng, an old wife and young husband who have been married for 20 years, have recently had conflicts

Ma Yuqin and Li Yucheng

Although Ma Yuqin is a bit older, she also loves beauty after marrying Li Yucheng. Once, with the consent of her husband, a cosmetic surgery was performed in order to win the heart of her husband Li Yucheng.

Usually, Ma Yuqin also likes to tie her hair a lot of braids, saying that she looks young, beautiful and cute. That’s why Li Yucheng has been braiding his wife Ma Yuqin, sometimes full of hair.

Ma Yuqin and Li Yucheng, an old wife and young husband who have been married for 20 years, have recently had conflicts

Ma Yuqin braided the couple and they were very happy

They are an ordinary couple, in their lives from married to now the male is in charge of the outside and the female is in charge of inside. Ma Yuqin has left Errenzhuan for more than a decade now, and usually earns money from live streaming.

Sometimes live a reality show, and you can earn three or four thousand yuan by relying on traffic as a reward. There is no problem for the couple to maintain their living expenses.

Ma Yuqin and Li Yucheng, an old wife and young husband who have been married for 20 years, have recently had conflicts

Ma Yuqin and Li Yucheng in the live broadcast room

But recently Ma Yuqin passed out of a coma due to high blood pressure and was admitted to the hospital on the same day. Hypertension in an 84-year-old man is more dangerous.

In the hospital, Li Yucheng cared and looked after Ma Yuqin.

Ma Yuqin and Li Yucheng, an old wife and young husband who have been married for 20 years, have recently had conflicts

Ma Yuqin was hospitalized

After waking up, Ma Yuqin said to Li Yucheng: The person who has been with me for twenty years is you and I feel very happy during this period, but the only thing I am ashamed of you as a wife is that I didn’t give birth to a child.

Ma Yuqin said that he had a guilty conscience for not giving birth to Li Yucheng. Next, I asked Li Yucheng to leave him, go out and find someone suitable for him to live a life, and have a baby. Said Ma Yuqin sadly left tears.

Ma Yuqin and Li Yucheng, an old wife and young husband who have been married for 20 years, have recently had conflicts

Li Yu became his wife and wiped tears

When Li Yucheng’s mother left, she told Li Yucheng that she would leave Ma Yuqin as early as possible to succeed the Li family. When Li Yucheng saw Ma Yuqin say this in front of him, it was as if what his mother said to him was vividly remembered, and he was sad to shed tears.

I don’t know what to do. Li Yucheng can only silently hand over warm water to his wife Ma Yu.

Or what Li Yucheng meant was to let his wife get better and be discharged from the hospital. Consider this. In the hospital, he needs someone to take care of it. Here, Ma Yuqin and the two sons born to his two ex-husbands have never appeared in the hospital’s Ma Yuqin bed. It may be that the opinions have been falling out.

Ma Yuqin and Li Yucheng, an old wife and young husband who have been married for 20 years, have recently had conflicts

Li Yucheng

Summary: As Li Yucheng firmly believes that his love concept has been with his wife for 20 years, it is really not easy. Now Ma Yuqin seems to understand something in the hospital, and all that Li Yucheng said is for the sake of Li Yucheng’s future life.

Is Li Yucheng going here or not? No one took care of his wife after he left. If the two sons were willing to take turns to take care of Ma Yuqin, Li Yucheng would choose to leave to pursue his own life.

Ma Yuqin and Li Yucheng, an old wife and young husband who have been married for 20 years, have recently had conflicts

Ma Yuqin looks out the window

So old couples and young wives are very common in life, and the problems that arise are not big, but in turn, old wives and young wives still have many problems. It has not been long. Take Ma Yuqin and Li Yucheng as an example. Li Yucheng is only 52 years old this year. He is still quite young. In many rural areas, he can still be called a lad. It is no problem to get married and have children. Ma Yuqin is 84 years old and is often sick, if one day Ma Yuqin leaves. Li Yucheng still has to live his life, and how to choose it depends on Li Yucheng.