Man Steals Cash From China Temple, Says Buddha Statue Gave Him ‘OK’ Sign

Man Steals Cash From China Temple After Praying To Buddha

Let this be known: a crime is a crime.

The law governs the human realm, and we should never commit a crime, especially not in the name of a religious deity like Buddha.

This common sense seemed to have eluded one man in China.

He decided to steal cash from a temple after praying to Buddha, thinking that his actions were condoned.

Man caught acting suspiciously after looking at donation box many times

According to Jimu News, police officers in the Jiangxi province of China caught the man for stealing from a temple’s donation box.

On 8 July, they received reports from the public about repeated theft occurrences at Shuangyan Temple in Yiyang City and launched an investigation.

After rushing to the scene, the police found a man in a black and red T-shirt who had frequented the Earth deity temple on the premises in recent days.

He often looked at the donation box and showed suspicious behaviour.

Man steals temple money after telling Buddha he would return it

Further probing brought the officers to the house of a man called Ye Mou, a nearby villager.

Upon questioning, Ye admitted that he only “borrowed” the money after praying to Buddha.

Before being arrested, he maintained that Buddha gave him an ‘OK’ sign to take the money as he said he would return it.

Based on the report, it is believed that he was referring to this gesture.

For his actions, Ye was given 12 days of administrative detention for stealing other people’s property.

Started facing financial constraints in June

Jimu News also reported that Ye would wash his clothes at the ponds around the temple on weekdays.

Over time, he observed that the donations box was usually unattended and unlocked.

When he started experiencing financial constraints at the start of June, he took some money from the box when no one was around.

Since nobody called the police then, he returned to take more money from the box whenever he had time.