3 days before

meaning of color stain

What do the colored marks on toothpaste tubes mean?

We’ve all probably wondered about the small colored marks at the end of toothpaste tubes, cosmetics, and other products. So, what do these colored marks really mean, and do they affect the way we use the products?

I decided to find the answer with a little help from Professor Google. First, I came across information stating that these colored marks are called "color codes," and based on these colors, products are classified as follows:

Green: 100% natural Blue: A mix of natural ingredients and pharmaceuticals Red: A mix of natural ingredients and chemicals Black: 100% chemicals

Sounds pretty... logical, right? However, this raised some new questions in my mind, such as: What about white marks? How can toothpaste be made entirely from natural ingredients? And what about food packages with black marks—does that mean they're made from 100% chemicals?

So, what do these colored marks actually mean? It turns out the answer is quite simple: These colored marks are used for marking!

These colored marks are called Eye marks (or Eye spots).

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