Netizens get goosebumps at the predictions as they revisit a video of Kim Woojin’s palm reading back in 2018

In light of the recent controversy of former Stray Kids member Woojin, many netizens are revisiting a video that was uploaded back in 2018.

The video is an analysis of Woojin’s hands or simply put – a palm reading of Woojin. Tony Leggett, the person who analyzed Woojin’s palms, provides a relatively accurate description of the current situation. More netizens have taken interest and are getting goosebumps due to the uncanny predictions that had come true. 

Tony Leggett states that he uses a combination of astrology and palmistry along with intuition to do a personality trait analysis of various people. In 2018, a viewer requested for Woojin’s hand to be analyzed. 

Tony begins to state Woojin’s personality as being a “Joy boy and a toyboy” expressing that Woojin will stay an adult-child most of his life and will not grow up. Mr. Leggett also states that there is a lot of sexual activity reflected in Woojin’s palms.

He also discovers a “danger sign” in his palms that represents an excessive amount of something, which Woojin puts himself into. Tony Leggett also points out the bent finger, which indicates that the singer doesn’t always tell the truth. He states, “He comes up with all sorts of things to get what he wants.”

However, Woojin’s hand was also able to display leadership abilities, ambition, self-control, stability, and strength. Tony states, Woojin has the personality to want to do everything.

One prediction that many netizens were shocked with was when Tony Leggett states that Woojin’s life from 20-years-old to 25-years-old would be very rocky and Woojin would go through a “wake up call“. 

Ultimately, according to Tony, Woojin wants “to be in love, receive love, and love everybody and do everything he can do. He will be very good at it if he stays honest and stays true.”

Many netizens have received goosebumps as they visit this video once again after the recent scandals.

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