Is it better to eat bananas with nice skin or with brown spots?
1. Is eating bananas with brown spots good for your health?
Like many fruits, bananas continue to ripen over time. Banana peels are initially green but turn yellow as they begin to ripen.
As bananas ripen, they produce and release ethylene gas, which causes the yellow pigment on the peel to decompose and gradually turn brown or dark.
Should you eat bananas with brown spots on the peel? - Photo 1.
Banana peels with brown spots like "freckles" are a sign of ripeness.
According to nutritionists, brown spots on banana peels are a sign of ripeness. The spots will have different shades of brown depending on the natural ripening process or due to exposure to air.
Bananas are a fruit that emits a lot of ethylene gas, like apples, avocados, pears and tomatoes... Ethylene emission is natural and is part of the banana ripening process. When the banana flesh is exposed to air due to a tear or puncture in the skin, oxidation (also known as enzymatic browning) occurs, which also appears as a dark spot.
According to research, the enzyme responsible for creating the brown color is called polyphenol oxidase (or PPO). In the presence of oxygen, the PPO enzyme converts substances called phenolic compounds (through oxidation) into different substances, compounds called quinones that then react with other compounds to form melanin. Melanin is a dark brown pigment similar to the color of our hair, skin, and eyeballs. It also gives fruits and vegetables a brown spotty color.
So, oxidized bananas, although they may be less attractive than when the skin is yellow, are still edible.
Whether or not brown-spotted bananas are edible depends on the ripeness of the banana, as long as the banana is not moldy and not too mushy when peeled, brown bananas can be safely eaten.
Brown spots on the peel: If the banana peel only has small brown spots, it is a sign that the starch in the banana has converted into sugar, making the banana sweeter and softer. Such bananas are completely edible and even tastier.
Brown peel but banana flesh is still good: If the banana peel turns brown but the banana flesh inside is still bright yellow, not mushy, has no strange smell or mold, it can still be eaten. The banana is usually very sweet at this time.
Use brown bananas for processing: Brown ripe bananas are suitable for making dishes such as smoothies, banana cakes, banana ice cream, etc.
Note that the riper the banana, the more susceptible it is to bacteria, so bananas should be eaten as soon as possible after ripening.
2. When should you not eat bananas with brown peels?
Do not eat bananas with dark black peels, mushy banana flesh and strange smell.
Normally, exposing banana flesh to air is the main cause of rotting. Any openings in the protective coating of the peel allow oxygen to enter the flesh, which can cause the banana flesh to first oxidize and then decompose. Damaged peels can also allow pests such as fruit flies or house flies to access them.
So, avoid bananas with unusual dark spots. When buying bananas, always choose bananas with the stem intact. Any openings in the peel allow air and bacteria to enter the banana flesh, causing the banana to spoil faster.
Do not eat bananas when:
The banana is mushy or watery: If the banana is overripe, mushy, watery and has a sour or fermented smell, it should not be eaten.
There is mold: If mold appears on the peel or flesh of the banana (usually white, green or black), it should absolutely not be eaten because it can cause poisoning.
There is a strange smell: If the banana has an unusually foul or unpleasant smell, it should also not be eaten.
3. Are brown spotted bananas healthy?
Some people think that brown-skinned bananas are less nutritious than yellow-skinned bananas, but in fact, the difference between the two is quite small. Bananas that turn brown but still taste delicious still contain healthy nutrients such as vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants.
However, some nutrients to note in brown bananas are fiber and sugar. As bananas ripen, the fiber begins to break down and the complex starches are converted into simple sugars. If you are concerned about your sugar intake or blood sugar levels, it is best to eat bananas with yellow skin.
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