Many people still think that white teeth are healthy teeth
It seems like everyone is trying to make their teeth whiter. Teeth whitening agents are a staple in toothpaste (which doesn’t really seem to work), dental floss, mouthwash, whitening strips, gels, and even chewing gum.
Yellow teeth, on the other hand, are often considered unsightly and are often associated with poor oral hygiene. Luckily, we have some good news for those of us who don’t have pearly whites. Yellow teeth are actually healthier than pearly whites!
This may sound too good to be true. According to sciencefocus.com, the enamel on our teeth is actually naturally bluish-white, and the teeth underneath are yellow. Because the enamel is translucent, the yellow shows through the bluish-white. This creates a pale yellow or light brown color. However, if your teeth are much darker than pale yellow, you may have cavities or other medical problems. It is important to see a doctor early to detect and treat them promptly.
The process of whitening teeth is the cause of weakening them. According to Adriana Manso, Clinical Assistant Professor at the Institute of Dentistry, University of British Columbia, “Teeth whitening products contain hydrogen peroxide that diffuses through the enamel. It breaks down the compounds that cause discoloration, known as chromogens, and our teeth become brighter”.
“Teeth whitening products can have many side effects such as damaging tooth enamel, causing gum irritation, tooth sensitivity and more. Some of these effects can be long-term such as enamel damage that is permanent and cannot be repaired”.
If we still want to have bright white teeth, use products that do not contain chemicals so as not to destroy tooth enamel or follow the instructions below:
- Eat foods such as cauliflower, strawberries, cheese and yogurt, nuts and beans, pineapple, onions, celery.
- Avoid acidic drinks like coffee, soda, red wine, red sauces
- Or try natural remedies to whiten your teeth like using baking soda and lemon, coconut oil, orange peel, basil leaves and mustard essential oil, pure apple cider vinegar, sea salt and baking soda, turmeric powder, and homemade toothpaste.
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