Facts 27/02/2025 21:33

Which is better, green banana or ripe banana, especially for the digestive system?

Bananas are a part of many people's daily diet. Bananas provide phosphorus, vitamins, potassium, and magnesium. Bananas also contain fiber.

Some studies have shown that bananas can also prevent certain types of cancer. Some people prefer ripe bananas, while others prefer green bananas. Here are the benefits of both ripe and unripe bananas to help you get the nutrition you need when choosing bananas to eat, according to boldsky.

1. Unripe bananas

Unripe bananas will help the body absorb calcium. When you have diarrhea, eating a boiled green banana can help the body absorb more nutrients. Unripe bananas will increase the health of the intestines because they contain friendly bacteria. Unripe bananas provide resistant starch. Even people with type 2 diabetes can eat unripe bananas because unripe bananas also contain resistant starch.

Short-Chain Fatty Acids

A study found that green bananas provide short-chain fatty acids, which are good for gut health.

2. Ripe Bananas

A ripe yellow banana contains more antioxidants than an unripe banana. One problem with green bananas is that they can cause gas and bloating. Ripe bananas are easier to digest because the resistant starch in them is converted into simple sugars during the ripening process.

Ripe bananas are not recommended for diabetics due to their higher glycemic index.

Ripe bananas are low in micronutrients. Some studies have shown that ripe bananas may contain lower levels of micronutrients. It is recommended to store them in the refrigerator to reduce the loss of micronutrients.

So both ripe and unripe bananas have different health benefits, depending on what your body needs and what is appropriate.

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