Park Yoo-chun Posted Relaxing Photo After Drug And Tax Evasion Charges

Singer and actor Park Yoo-chun revealed his recent situation on Instagram.

Park Yoo-chun posted a photo on his social media account on March 18th with the caption “Light wind.” In the picture, Park was dressed casually and wearing sunglasses and a hat. He seems to be enjoying his walk in a relaxed manner.

Meanwhile, Park Yoo-chun was put on trial for drug use in 2019 and sentenced to two years of probation. When the drug scandal first erupted, Park held a press conference to deny the allegations and promised to retire from the entertainment industry if they were true. Park apologized for causing a stir due to the charges but resumed his activities anyway.

He was also on the list of high-paying and habitual defaulters disclosed by the National Tax Service in December last year. In 2016, he failed to pay a total of 409 million won in taxes on five occasions, including capital gains tax. In addition, The Seoul Central District Court’s Civil Agreement Department 45 (Chief Judge Kim Kyung-soo) recently ruled that Park and his former agency jointly pay 500 million won (464,700 U.S. dollars) and delayed damages to Have Fun Together, which is his legal management agency, after Park was sued for holding entertainment activities without their permission.

Park opened a new social media account last month.