People who live long never do 3 things right after waking up, 3 things after a meal, and 3 things before going to bed

Here are 9 things that long-living people will never do, and if you also want to live longer, it’s best to stay away from these.

How to live longer? Everyone has different opinions. Some people believe that longevity is related to genetics. Genes determine everything. According to many people’s understanding, if your parents live long, you inherit longevity genes, and naturally, you will live longer. Some people believe that you need to take “shortcuts” to live longer, mainly using folk remedies, secret formulas, or health care products. Meanwhile, some people believe that longevity requires rest, and after reaching a certain age, you need to retire immediately.

In reality, those who truly live long often share a common trait, which is maintaining healthy living habits for a long time. Below are the things that long-living people never do after waking up in the morning, after meals, and before going to bed.

3 don’ts after waking up in the morning

  1. Don’t skip breakfast when waking up

Breakfast, the first meal of the day, is very important for health.

People who often skip breakfast are prone to gastric ulcers, gastritis, gallstones, cholecystitis, and other digestive diseases. Skipping breakfast and eating more for lunch and dinner can also increase the risk of obesity.

Having breakfast daily should also involve healthy eating, avoiding fried, pickled, and smoked foods. Supplementing a variety of nutrients in breakfast and balancing nutrition is essential. For example, milk, eggs, whole grain bread, vegetables, fruits… are all good choices, with the key lying in your combination.

  1. Don’t smoke in the morning

The first thing many people do when they wake up in the morning is smoke, showing how addictive smoking is.

The more addicted to cigarettes, the more likely you are to have health problems, chronic respiratory diseases like lung cancer, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, asthma are closely related to long-term smoking. Long-term smoking can also cause blood clotting, making you more susceptible to coronary artery disease, stroke…

If you want to protect your health, remember not to smoke in the morning, quitting smoking is even better because this is the most harmful type of tobacco to your body.

  1. Don’t hold back urine in the morning

In the morning when waking up, the first thing you need to do is go to the bathroom, don’t hold back urine.

After a long night, urine becomes concentrated, the bacteria content in urine increases. Holding back urine in the morning will have different impacts on the bladder and kidneys.

This morning time is relatively busy because you have to go to work early and don’t have time to go to the bathroom when working. Therefore, many people continuously hold back urine, even until noon, which is very dangerous.

3 don’ts after a meal

  1. Don’t immediately rest after a meal

Many people want to rest immediately after lunch or dinner, which is not good for health.

After a full meal, most of the blood in the body flows to the digestive system to help digest food. Due to less blood reaching the brain, you might feel tired, sleepy.

If you go to sleep immediately after a full meal, not only does it affect the digestion and absorption of food but also causes acid reflux, the most common being gastroesophageal reflux disease.

Moreover, sleeping immediately after a full meal will seriously affect the quality of your sleep.

  1. Don’t rush to exercise after a meal

Many people exercise immediately after a full meal because they think it is good for digestion. Big mistake.

Người sống lâu không bao giờ làm 3 việc ngay lúc thức dậy, 3 việc sau bữa ăn và 3 việc trước khi đi ngủ - Ảnh 2.

If you rush to exercise after a meal, food reflux into the stomach can cause acid reflux and stomach acid, easily leading to nausea; if you rush to exercise after a meal, you may not know that our bones also need to move. Blood flows out more when exercising, causing blood distribution disorders leading to insufficient blood supply to the digestive tract.

Exercise lightly after more than half an hour after a meal, moderate exercise an hour later, and more intense exercise an hour and a half later.

  1. Don’t quickly drink strong tea after a meal

Many people like to drink a cup of strong tea after a meal, but they do not know that this is not good for health.

Tea contains tannic acid and theophylline. Excessive intake of these two substances will inhibit gastric acid secretion. Besides, these two substances, when combined with protein in food, form a precipitate that is difficult to digest, affecting the digestion of protein.

In addition, drinking too much liquid will dilute the gastric fluid concentration, affecting the digestion and absorption of food.

3 don’ts before going to bed

  1. Avoid drinking alcohol before going to bed

Many people like to have a little alcohol before going to bed, thinking that it can dilate blood vessels and improve sleep. Big mistake!

Drinking alcohol before going to bed is actually very harmful to health. Long-term alcohol abuse can lead to alcohol-related brain disease, cardiovascular diseases, cerebrovascular diseases, liver cirrhosis, heart disease due to alcohol… affecting sleep.

Drinking alcohol before going to bed and going to bed immediately after drinking alcohol can easily cause reflux, more severe cases can cause suffocation.

  1. Avoid looking at the mobile phone before going to bed

Just taking out your mobile phone before going to bed means you can’t just play for a while, many people play until late at night.

Người sống lâu không bao giờ làm 3 việc ngay lúc thức dậy, 3 việc sau bữa ăn và 3 việc trước khi đi ngủ - Ảnh 3.

Therefore, if you want to form a regular work and rest habit, first stay away from your mobile phone.

It is not an exaggeration to say that if you often check your mobile phone, you will have more mental pressure!

  1. Avoid snacking before going to bed

If you eat snacks before going to bed, you are risking your life.

Late-night snacks are often high in fat, calories, and protein. Eating and then going to bed right away, the body will have difficulty digesting food. Many people may experience bloating due to this late-night eating habit.

When you decide to go to bed, remember not to eat anything within an hour before going to bed.