Pia Wurtzbach, Catriona Gray, other queens show support for Paula Shugart

Filipina beauty queens Pia Wurtzbach and Catriona Gray appeared to be in support of ex-Miss Universe Organization (MUO) president Paula Shugart, as they liked the latter’s post on Instagram that threatened to file legal action against current MUO owner, Thai business mogul Anne Jakrajutatip.

Pia Wurtzbach, Catriona Gray, other queens show support for Paula Shugart

On Monday, Feb. 19, Shugart slammed Jakrajutatip for alleging she took money under the table in favor of certain titleholders to win the global tilt, among other accusations.

Wurtzbach and Gray were among Shugart’s followers who liked the post, although they have yet to give their opinion on the matter.

Image: Screengrab from Instagram/@realpaulashugart

Image: Screengra from Instagram/@realpaulashugart

Images: Screengrab from Instagram/@realpaulashugart

Reigning Miss Universe Philippines Michelle Dee and Miss Universe Thailand 2023 Anntonia Porsild likewise clicked like on Shugart’s post as well.

Apart from Wurtzbach and Gray, their fellow Miss Universe titleholders also showed their support for Shugart on social media.

Miss Universe 1997 Brook Lee took to her Instagram page to express disappointment over being “disrespected” by Jakrajutatip’s allegations, while “standing” by the ex-MUO head.

“Paula Shugart has been nothing but a supportive leader for the Miss Universe brand, she has been above reproach and made sure that all title holders past, present, and candidates felt seen and that their voices mattered. I stand with @realpaulashugart,” she wrote.

Lee also tagged her fellow titleholders on her Instagram Story, as she stressed that Jakrajutatip’s “ridiculous and unfounded accusations” are an insult to their accomplishments in the global tilt.

Image: Screengrab from Instagram/@brookleeofficial

Image: Screengrab from Instagram/@brookleeofficial

On the other hand, Lee and fellow Miss Universe winners Lupita Jones, Ximena Navarrete, and Iris Mittenaere vouched for Shugart’s integrity in the comments of the latter’s post.

“If people knew you, they would know how loving, and caring you are. They would know your integrity, your intelligence but most importantly your honor,” Mittenaere said. “I had the chance to learn so much from you, and you dedicated so much time, outside of your work hour to make me feel comfortable, confident, and happy.”

Navarrete also stressed that the global tilt was in its “golden era” under Shugart’s leadership.

“You built a golden era that is already in the history of the contests all around the world, and you shine like no one else for that, those of us who know you and your work only can say the facts, evidence, and truth, and your work has always been clean,” she said.

Image: Screengrab from Instagram/@realpaulashugart

Image: Screengrab from Instagram/@realpaulashugart

Image: Screengrab from Instagram/@realpaulashugart

Images: Screengrab from Instagram/@realpaulashugart

Miss USA 2015 Olivia Jordan and Miss USA 2014 Nia Sanchez thanked Shugart for being a leader full of “integrity,” saying they’re lucky to have served under her helm.

Jordan expressed her disappointment that such accusations were leveled against Shugart, saying in her comment that all winners “fought so hard” to earn the Miss Universe titles.

“I’m so disappointed that anyone would try to discredit the legacy of integrity you worked so hard to protect. I will always admire your strength and be inspired by the way you use your voice. Grateful that you are speaking out to protect your reputation, but also to protect all the winners during your tenure that fought so hard to earn their title,” she said.

Image: Screengrab from Instagram/@realpaulashugart

Image: Screengrab from Instagram/@realpaulashugart

Images: Screengrab from Instagram/@realpaulashugart

Esther Swan goes cryptic

Former MUO talent director Esther Swan — who took care of Wurtzbach and Gray during their respective reigns — took to her Instagram post to make a cryptic remark amid the controversy.

Image: Screengrab from Instagram/@swanbirdnyc

Image: Screengrab from Instagram/@swanbirdnyc

“I never left when sh*t got real… I left when sh*t got fake,” her post read.

Shugart was appointed as the president of the MUO in 1997 before stepping down from her post in just last November 2023, just days before Shugart made her public announcement to retire from her post that she had held on for more than 20 years.