Place a jar of dry rice in the wardrobe, sur.prising uses, once you know this method, everyone likes to follow

This is a good tip for people who don’t like using chemical dehumidifiers in their wardrobes.

What effect does rice placed in the wardrobe have?

Rice is not only a daily food, but it has the interesting characteristic of absorbing moisture. Rice can dry the air. The moisture absorption capacity of rice is extremely high. So when you put dry rice in jars, bottles, or wide-mouthed jars and put them in the closet, they will act like a desiccant pack.

gao-hut-amThe moisture-absorbing function of rice will help reduce odors in your clothes, especially during the rainy season or when the weather is rainy and humid. The method is very simple: You just need to put the rice in a clean dry jar and place it in the corner of the cabinet. Or you can put the rice in scented bags sold on the market, they have small openings to absorb moisture.

If you like fragrance, you can drop essential oils into rice, so they have a dual function: They both absorb moisture and create fragrance in the wardrobe.

If you leave it for a while and see that the rice has absorbed enough moisture and no flavor, then replace it with another bag. But note that when using this method, make sure your cabinet door is closed to avoid attracting mice and cockroaches.

Rice can be placed in the corner of the bed, leather bag, or anything that needs a moisture-proof package

During the humid season, you can place this jar/bag of naturally fragrant rice at the head of the bed or corner of the bed so that it absorbs moisture and radiates scent to eliminate musty odors in the house.

Or you have leather bags, shoes or other unused items that need to be put away. Instead of buying a desiccant package to put in, you can use this bag of rice or rice jar. However, remember to replace them so they don’t get moldy because they absorb too much moisture.

In addition to placing jars/bags of rice in the closet, you can apply the following ways to make the closet drier:

chong-am-quan-aoUse old newspapers to deodorize your wardrobe

Old newspapers are also very good at deodorizing and absorbing moisture. Use old unused newspapers. You can roll them up and tuck them inside your sleeve, armpit or pant hem… Leave it like that for about 4 hours. or overnight, the odor of clothes will be completely eliminated.

Use coffee grounds to deodorize clothes

Coffee and coffee grounds create fragrance and are also great at absorbing moisture. So hang a few small bags of coffee in your closet. They will create a light fragrance and deodorize. Coffee will dehumidify and deodorize the refrigerator while repelling insects such as ants, termites, cockroaches…

Use baking soda to remove odors from the wardrobe

You can sprinkle baking soda on clothes to remove odors. After a few hours, shake off the powder from your clothes and see the results.

Use wind oil

Wind oil is an essential oil that supports health and helps deodorize and repel insects, cockroaches and ants very well. Therefore, putting a little essential oil in your wardrobe will help you have more fragrant clothes.