Rain reveals he forgot the lines to his script after being struck by Liu Yifei’s beauty

With the release of Rain‘s upcoming Chinese film, Roots of Dew, nearing on the 11th, the South Korean celebrity admitted to have forgotten his script lines after becoming so disconcerted by the beauty of his Chinese co-star, Liu Yifei.

At the screening of Roots of Dew in Beijing, China on November 7th, South Korean singer and actor Rain, along with top Chinese celebrities Liu Yifei (also known as Crystal Liu), Wang XuebingAndy On, and director Gao Xixi, were present at the press conference that was held at the scene.

According to Sina, a popular Chinese media outlet, Rain talked about his very first impression of his Roots of Dew co-star, Liu Yifei. In which,  he stated, “I was extremely flustered when I first met [Liu Yifei]. All the Chinese lines I had devoted all my time into memorizing and practiced really hard for drew a complete blank the moment I saw her face.”

Rain continued to speak as he showed his appreciation, “However, I was able to easily and successfully finish the first day’s filming thanks to Yifei’s constant help.

Roots of Dew is a mellow Chinese film set to hit theaters on November 11th.