Read the bizarre letter being sent to pharmacists, doctors, teachers and journalists about Covid-19 from a mysterious ‘concerned citizen’

A group of mysterious Covid deniers have bombarded journalists, doctors and pharmacists with letters ordering them to ‘cease and desist’ reporting on the virus and vaccines.

In the two-page letters which are signed by a ‘concerned citizen’, the group claims a series of Covid-19 measures such as vaccine mandates, testing and lockdowns are ‘crimes against humanity’.

It’s unclear who is behind the bizarre letters but each one is addressed from a PO box in Gumdale, Brisbane.

The misleading and dangerous letters are signed off by a group called We The People, Men and Women of the Australian Commonwealth.

Kate McClymont, an investigative reporter for the Sydney Morning Herald revealed on Friday she’d been targeted by the group and shared a picture of the wacky letter.

A group of mysterious Covid deniers have bombarded journalists, doctors and pharmacists with letters ordering them to ‘cease and desist’ reporting on the virus and offering vaccines

Kate McClymont, an investigative reporter for the Sydney Morning Herald revealed on Friday she’d been targeted by the group and shared a picture of the bizarre letter

‘I am shaking in my boots having received a missive from ‘We The People’ ordering me to ‘cease & desist’ publishing government’s #COVID19 health orders because lockdowns constitute a crime against humanity,’ she tweeted.

The letter began by ordering Ms McClymont to ‘cease and desist your indiscriminate broadcasting’ of the pandemic.

It then listed off several ‘crimes against humanity’ including ‘experimentation of the Covid-19 treatment on unsuspecting innocent civilians’.

Another bizarre claim wrongly said Covid-19 testing ‘perpetuates the lie of a deadly pandemic, thereby constituting psychological warfare on the people’.

‘We have not seen nor we do believe there exists sufficient evidence to support the assertion that a deadly pandemic exists,’ the letter said.

‘No indemnity can exist. You will have committed a crime which in due course will be investigated and you may expect to be punished to the full extent of the law.’

The group has also been sending the letters to various pharmacies, demanding they stop administering vaccinations, as well as doctors and teachers.

The group have also been sending the letters to various pharmacies, demanding they stop administering vaccinations, as well as doctors and teachers

‘Most pharmacies doing Covid-19 Vaccines have received this letter or version of it. One pharmacy near us had a group of 6 people come in and they all read it aloud in unison,’ one man tweeted in response to Ms McClymont’s post.

The letters aren’t limited to Australia with similar notes popping up in Ireland and Canada.

The PO box linked to the group is also the same as a mysterious organisation titled The Australia Project who have links to the letters on their website. 

‘Our vision and end goal is to unite all Australians seeking liberty, truth, well-being and health,’ the website reads. 

‘We envisage that our freedoms must be built from the ground up, for the people, on a firm foundation of sound constitutional laws that give each Australian rights, justice and equity.

‘We also envisage giving those that unite with us purpose, because purpose fuels passion, and … only those that believe they are crazy enough to change the world for the better.’

Ms McClymont (pictured) was just one of many who have received the bizarre messages which threaten ‘punishments’ if no action is taken