Regardless of how spacious the under-bed space is, you should not store these items: Many families are neg.ligent and make mis.takes

As an empty area in the house, under the bed is not an ideal place to store a few items.

In families, owning too many things is sometimes unavoidable. For houses or rooms with limited space, instead of building a warehouse or separate storage cabinets and shelves, users will tend to take advantage of empty areas as a place to store things. This can include areas under cabinets, under stairs or even under beds.

For under cabinets and under stairs, there should be no precautions when storing furniture. But under the bed, there are some recommended items that, no matter how cramped the house, users should not store in this area.

Gầm giường có rộng đến mấy cũng không nên để những thứ này: Rất nhiều gia đình chủ quan-1

1. Types of footwear

Shoes are necessary items in life, used every day. And on average, each person owns not only 1 but also 2-3 pairs of shoes or more. Many people, especially young people, will often use under the bed as a place to store shoes because of convenience. However, this is not recommended.

Footwear, especially shoes, is often an ideal habitat for bacteria, produced from human foot sweat or other types of dirt and impurities. Combined with storage under the bed – the environment is also dark, also full of bacteria and dirt, from which the shoes and sandals themselves will also easily become damp and moldy, with an unpleasant odor. Odors from shoes and sandals can spread to the entire area under the bed, affecting the entire space. These odors are not only unpleasant but also pose a risk to human health.

Gầm giường có rộng đến mấy cũng không nên để những thứ này: Rất nhiều gia đình chủ quan-2Therefore, it is better for users to get rid of the habit of storing shoes under the bed. Instead, when finished using, let it dry in the sun or in a well-ventilated place, then store it in a separate shoe cabinet. If your family does not have a shoe cabinet, set up a shoe rack, shoe rack or separate area to store shoes and sandals near the door.

2. Electrical equipment

Second on the list of items that should not be stored under the bed is electrical devices, no matter what they are. Many people think that small electrical appliances such as electrical outlets, robot vacuum cleaners or folding vacuum cleaners, induction cookers, and electric cookers can be stored neatly in the space under the bed when not in use.

However, as mentioned above, under the bed is a dark, damp environment that can hide many harmful bacteria and insects. Storing electronics and electrical equipment in this area will cause them to rust, damage, corrode some parts and components, or even be completely damaged.

Gầm giường có rộng đến mấy cũng không nên để những thứ này: Rất nhiều gia đình chủ quan-3

Electronic items and electrical equipment are also often of great value. Therefore, users should set up an area to store them that is neat, clean and airy. Thus, the equipment is durable, efficient, and safe, and users are also guaranteed to save on equipment repair and replacement costs.

3. Medicine
The third recommended item seems to be more rare, but it is not unheard of for families to store this item under the bed. It’s medicine. This case often falls in families with young children, the elderly or people with chronic diseases that require regular medication.

However, for convenience in use as well as protecting the quality of medicine, families should install a shelf or small medicine cabinet at the head of the bed instead of “conveniently” storing them under the bed. The medicinal properties of the drug may be greatly reduced, causing the drug to not have the full effect that the user desires when placed in a humid environment such as under the bed. Even when the medicine is damaged by moisture, it can give off an unpleasant chemical smell.

Gầm giường có rộng đến mấy cũng không nên để những thứ này: Rất nhiều gia đình chủ quan-4

4. Money

The last name on the list that should not be kept under the bed may surprise and make many people laugh – money. There have been many funny cases and situations where husbands hide their “black funds” under the bed. When taken out, unfortunately this money (usually paper money) was damp, which then led to serious rot. There are amounts of money that cannot be used anymore. Even worse, if this money is “visited” by harmful animals and insects such as mice, they will also cut and tear the money.

Therefore, never think that under the bed is an ideal place to store or hide money. Cash should be stored in private areas but must be kept dry and clean.

If you still want to use under the bed as a place to store things, you should refer to methods of building and installing shelves or drawers.

Gầm giường có rộng đến mấy cũng không nên để những thứ này: Rất nhiều gia đình chủ quan-5

Gầm giường có rộng đến mấy cũng không nên để những thứ này: Rất nhiều gia đình chủ quan-6

Creating a cabinet system in the area under the bed is a solution worth considering.