Song Hye Kyo is close to Song Joong Ki’s “rumored love” in the past

The image between Song Hye Kyo and Jeon Yeo Bin quickly became a hotly discussed topic in the online community.

Recently, Song Hye Kyo and her colleagues in the Black Nuns movie project had a party to celebrate the end of filming.

At the party, there was the appearance of the cast including: Song Hye Kyo, Lee Jin Wook, Jeon Yeo Bin… along with the directors, screenwriters and filming crew.

One of the moments that received the most attention from the online community was the photo Song Hye Kyo took with everyone. In particular, there was a moment when Jeon Yeo Bin – Song Joong Ki’s “rumored lover” once placed his hand on Song Hye Kyo’s quite intimate loan.

It can be seen that after a period of working together, Song Hye Kyo and Jeon Yeo Bin have created a close relationship. When this image was posted, many netizens “dig up” the story that Jeon Yeo Bin was once said to be a “real fake love movie” with Song Joong Ki when they both participated in the movie Vincenzo. This couple is also actively “pushed the boat” by fans. Everything only ended when Song Joong Ki announced that he was getting married and had children with his foreign wife

The crew members also had to express their admiration for Song Hye Kyo’s beautiful beauty and friendliness.