The 13-year-old boy’s neck is “10 years older” than his father’s due to a common habit among many people

Going for a check-up due to frequent dizziness and neck pain, the X-ray revealed that the cervical spine of the 13-year-old boy was equivalent to that of a middle-aged person aged 50.

The usual cheaper egg variety has lower cholesterol than chicken eggs, increases metabolism by three times, and effectively safeguards blood vessels. Savings are important, but it’s crucial to dispose of these 5 items when they’re old, don’t compromise your health and safety. A healthy liver won’t exhibit these 3 things on your palm, it only takes 1 minute to self-check. According to Dr. Vuong Pham, Head of Acupuncture and Massage at Chiet Giang Provincial People’s Hospital (China), he encountered a case where a patient, despite being very young, had significantly aged cervical vertebrae.

In this instance, the 13-year-old patient often experienced dizziness and neck pain after the summer break. Upon examination, the patient’s cervical vertebrae had developed significant deformities and were uneven. After taking X-rays, the doctor was astonished to find that the boy’s cervical spine resembled that of a middle-aged man around 50 years old. The boy’s 41-year-old father was stunned by this revelation: “My child’s cervical spine is older than mine by 10 years!”

This isn’t an isolated case of young individuals sustaining severe cervical spine injuries. Recently, Dr. Vuong Pham also encountered a 28-year-old patient whose neck was practically immobile upon waking up in the morning.

Explaining these cases, Dr. Vuong Pham pointed out that the frequent use of mobile phones and computers for extended periods was the common culprit. The sitting postures while using these devices are detrimental to the cervical spine, often resulting in issues such as neck and shoulder pain, swelling, discomfort, stiffness, limited mobility, blurry vision, difficulty breathing, nerve or blood vessel compression, numbness and weakness in the hands, upper limb pain, shoulder blade pain, headaches, dizziness, ringing in the ears, and more.

Severe cases may compress the spinal cord, leading to feelings of imbalance, inability to control bowel movements. Preventing cervical spine degeneration needs to start from a young age, and rectifying bad habits is crucial.

Dr. Vuong Pham emphasized that although it’s difficult to completely change the modern lifestyle habits, as a medical professional, he still reminds everyone: If sitting at a desk, work for about an hour, then stand up and move your cervical spine for 5 minutes to relieve tension. Relax the muscles, give the cervical spine time to breathe; whenever possible, try to put down your mobile phone to alleviate the burden on the cervical spine. The height of the pillow should be appropriate. For exercise, consider swimming, badminton, basketball, yoga, and other activities.

Additionally, ensure warmth during winter, especially for the neck region; high-necked clothing or scarves are excellent choices. Besides bones, the neck contains many nerves and blood vessels. When there’s an issue with the neck, it’s best to seek medical advice for diagnosis and treatment of symptoms