The beauty “everyone wants to marry” is still forever young after 16 years, U55 lives alone with 200 billion

The once-famous beauty that everyone desired

Jang Seo Hee was born in 1971, a famous beauty who was once famous in Vietnam with the movie The Seduction of a Wife. The years before 2010 were the golden age of this beauty. She appeared in a series of blockbusters, which were a resounding success in both Korea and Asian countries. When mentioning Jang Seo Hee at this time, in addition to The Seduction of a Wife, the audience immediately remembers famous movies such as The Little Mermaid, Miss Mermaid, Hur Jun,… The actress became famous because she often took on roles with tragic fates, showing off her extremely excellent inner acting.

Mỹ nhân ai cũng muốn lấy làm vợ trẻ mãi không già sau 16 năm, U55 sống cô độc với 200 tỷ - Ảnh 1.

Jang Seo Hee at the time of filming Temptation of Wife

When Temptation of Wife became a hit with a rating of up to 40.6%, Jang Seo Hee also became an extremely popular name in the advertising industry, her reputation was on par with Kim Nam Joo and Lee Young Ae in this field. In the Chinese market, Jang Seo Hee was ranked in the list of beauties with advertising contracts worth over 1 billion won. Also in the billion-people market, Jang Seo Hee was a resounding success when her films had a huge influence. In 2005, the beauty named Jang even topped the list of most influential actresses in the Korean trend in China.

Mỹ nhân ai cũng muốn lấy làm vợ trẻ mãi không già sau 16 năm, U55 sống cô độc với 200 tỷ - Ảnh 2.

Jang Seo Hee was once very famous in the Chinese market.

Mỹ nhân ai cũng muốn lấy làm vợ trẻ mãi không già sau 16 năm, U55 sống cô độc với 200 tỷ - Ảnh 3.

During her golden age, Jang Seo Hee was so popular that she won the “dream wife” poll organized by a Korean newspaper. The audience commented that Jang Seo Hee was beautiful, talented and had a great personality, and would definitely become a good wife, a solid supporter, helping her husband succeed in his career. Although she was so desired, in reality, Jang Seo Hee was not too keen on marriage. In the past, she admitted that she was dating someone outside the industry, but until now, even though she is nearly 55 years old, the actress still refuses to get married.

Mỹ nhân ai cũng muốn lấy làm vợ trẻ mãi không già sau 16 năm, U55 sống cô độc với 200 tỷ - Ảnh 4.

Currently, at the age of 52, Jang Seo Hee enjoys a luxurious single life, often showing off pictures of traveling and meeting friends. Two years ago, Korean newspapers reported that she owned assets of about 200 billion VND even though she only acted in films and commercials, not in business like many other actors. Her abundant life is probably also the reason why she rarely accepts new films. Following the beauty’s personal page, the audience cannot help but be surprised because even though she is 52 years old, she is still young, beautiful, and has hardly aged compared to her golden age 16 years ago in The Seduction of a Wife.

Mỹ nhân ai cũng muốn lấy làm vợ trẻ mãi không già sau 16 năm, U55 sống cô độc với 200 tỷ - Ảnh 5.
Jang Seo Hee is still so young after 16 years
Mỹ nhân ai cũng muốn lấy làm vợ trẻ mãi không già sau 16 năm, U55 sống cô độc với 200 tỷ - Ảnh 6.
Mỹ nhân ai cũng muốn lấy làm vợ trẻ mãi không già sau 16 năm, U55 sống cô độc với 200 tỷ - Ảnh 7.
Mỹ nhân ai cũng muốn lấy làm vợ trẻ mãi không già sau 16 năm, U55 sống cô độc với 200 tỷ - Ảnh 8.

Time has forgotten Jang Seo Hee.