The Beekeeper: David Ayer is Open to Turning Jason Statham Starrer Into a Franchise After Breaking All Ties With DC

David Ayer is excited to turn his upcoming stand-alone movie with Jason Statham into a franchise!

David Ayer, the director known for directing several iconic movies like Suicide Squad, Fury, and, End of Watch recently created the iconic 2024 movie The Beekeper. With Jason Statham in the lead role, the movie has received early great reviews and the world seems to love the combo of Ayer and Statham.

With the rave reviews that the movie is getting, it seems that Ayer is ready to turn The Beekeeper into a franchise. Although a stand-alone movie will be released, Ayer is excited to depict the complex and yet so simple emotions of humans with a franchise.

Jason Statham in a still from The Beekeeper

David Ayer Is Ready To Turn The Beekeeper Into A Franchise

Praising and hailing Jason Statham for bringing the world of The Beekeeper alive, David Ayer is confident that the world is hungry for more stories from the movie. The simple story of the movie follows Jason Statham’s character retiring to a peaceful life and tending to his bees.

David Ayer with Margot Robbie on the sets of Suicide Squad

David Ayer with Margot Robbie on the sets of Suicide Squad

All hell breaks loose when it is revealed to his enemies that he is a member of the covert group called “The Beekeepers”. Going on a path of vengeance, the film is packed with action and the early reviews are awesome. In an interview with PTI (via The Telegraph Online), the director talked about how he would love to take the stand-alone movie into a franchise.

“The world is so interesting and we learn a little bit about the beekeepers. But I think the audience is hungry to learn more about the Beekeepers and Jason owns this role. He’s so alive, so I think working with him again in this world would be a gift,”

As the interview progressed, David Ayer talked about the complexities of human nature and how he prefers a more streamlined movie against the morally grey area that the world is in now.

David Ayer Prefers The Simple Movies

David Ayer and Brad Pitt on set of fury

David Ayer and Brad Pitt on the set of Fury

The complexities of human nature are infinite. The Suicide Squad director revealed that according to him, “people are wonderful, terrible, complex creatures”. Ayer, however, mentioned that he believes in the traditional sense of a hero and a villain.

“I believe in the traditional hero and human spirit. I think there’s (both) good and evil in the world. In a sense, movies have always been a place where you can explore those themes. I’ve found that even the bad guys, however you want to label people, have a life, a viewpoint.”
He further continued,

“They have a logic behind their actions and think they’re the hero of the movie. I love flawed characters and we definitely have some flawed characters in ‘The Beekeeper’,”

With a rating of 6.7/10 on IMDB and an average of 73% on Rotten Tomatoes, the movie has received great reviews. The movie, which will be released on 12 January 2024 will be available to screen in theaters across the U.S.