The liver is afraid of these top 5 things, the more you eat, the more it ‘destroys’ the liver, shortening lifespan: Everyone knows but remains complacent

The liver fears the most 5 things, the more you eat, the more it “damages” the liver, shortening lifespan: Everyone knows but remains complacent.

Consumption of the following foods is the reason for your weakening liver. Hence, we should stay away from these to protect our health.

In the human body, the liver is a highly essential organ. It performs hundreds of different functions, including detoxifying, metabolizing substances, storing vitamins, minerals, etc. It is the largest internal organ, the largest gland in the body.

Therefore, if liver function decreases, our health will be significantly affected. Moreover, life expectancy may be reduced if the body is unstable. When we do not pursue a healthy lifestyle, the liver is susceptible to diseases such as hepatitis, cirrhosis, and even cancer.

These are what the liver fears most but many people still consume.

  1. Fresh bamboo shoots

Fresh bamboo shoots are widely consumed in the market and favored by many. However, this is one of the foods that are not good for the liver.

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Despite being easy to process, easy to eat, and having a delicious taste, many types of fresh bamboo shoots contain a high amount of cyanide. When eaten, under the action of digestive enzymes, cyanide will be converted into a harmful substance for the liver. Therefore, when consuming this food, we should buy from reputable sources to avoid poisoning.

  1. Spicy foods

Spicy foods not only negatively affect the digestive system but are also the “enemy” of the liver. When we consume too much spicy food, the liver’s function decreases, and its ability to detoxify is reduced. Furthermore, the liver may also suffer from severe diseases if we continue an unhealthy lifestyle. Therefore, we can eat spicy food but it should be considered as a seasoning to make the dish tastier, not to be abused.

Gan sợ nhất 5 thứ, càng ăn nhiều càng “hủy hoại” gan, tuổi thọ bị rút ngắn: Ai cũng biết nhưng vẫn chủ quan - Ảnh 1.

Eating spicy foods for a long time will significantly impact our health.

Those with liver diseases need to limit the consumption of spicy foods. This is a way to protect your own health.

  1. Shrimp

This is a nutrient-rich, delicious food that many families prefer. However, shrimp is a food that people with weak livers should not consume too much. Shrimp contains high cholesterol levels that negatively impact liver function. Especially, those with liver problems need to consider before eating shrimp. You should consume shrimp in moderation, and if necessary, consult a doctor for peace of mind.

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  1. Sugary foods

If you want to live a healthy and long life, we need to maintain a scientific lifestyle. Consuming foods high in sugar is also one of the mistakes that affect our liver. Foods high in sugar will increase insulin levels in the blood, increasing the risk of fatty liver disease. Therefore, we should limit the consumption of industrial fruit juices, carbonated drinks, sweets, to maintain a healthy body.

Gan sợ nhất 5 thứ, càng ăn nhiều càng “hủy hoại” gan, tuổi thọ bị rút ngắn: Ai cũng biết nhưng vẫn chủ quan - Ảnh 2.

  1. Alcoholic beverages

One of the fastest things that “destroys” the liver is alcoholic beverages. Many people suffer from liver diseases such as cirrhosis, liver cancer due to the habit of consuming large amounts of alcohol. This damages both your health and longevity.

When the alcohol concentration in the body is too high, our liver will be overloaded. At this time, alcohol in the liver is converted into a super-toxic substance called acetaldehyde, harmful to both the liver and the nervous system, digestive system.

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Therefore, to live healthy, first of all, we need to give up alcohol or limit drinking. A healthy liver is an important factor for a healthy body, and life expectancy can increase as a result.