Two “Huawei girls”: No father’s last name, one who grew up in a dilapidated rented house

Both daughters of China’s notorious tech tycoon, Meng Wanzhou and Yao Anna have completely opposite personalities, lives, and careers.

Ren Zhengfei (Ren Zhengfei) – the founder of Huawei is known for his rich and relatively private life. The Chinese telecom boss rarely speaks to the media, instead proving his capabilities with Huawei’s rapid growth around the world. According to a survey in early 2021, the billionaire surnamed Nim owns a fortune of up to 20 billion yuan (65.2 trillion VND), but Huawei’s value is 5 times that.

Two Huawei girls: No fathers last name, one who grew up in a dilapidated rented house, the rich velvet - Photo 1

This famous billionaire has 3 children: eldest daughter Meng Wanzhou, son Ren Ping with his ex-wife, and youngest daughter Yao Anna with his current wife. With the exception of his secretive son, both of Ren Zhengfei’s daughters were very popular, receiving huge media attention and public opinion. However, despite having a super-billionaire father, they both live different lives, unlike many people imagine.

What the two daughters have in common is… neither bore the father’s surname. Both princesses, one surnamed Meng and one surnamed Yao, spoke like people who were not related by blood. In fact, they both bear their mother’s surname. His older sister Meng Wanzhou was Ren Zhengfei’s first daughter-in-law while the youngest Yao Anna was his and his second wife’s daughter, Yao Ling.

Two Huawei girls: No fathers last name, one who grew up in a dilapidated rented house, the rich velvet - Photo 2

Meng Wanzhou (1972) was born when his parents were still a young couple with nothing in their hands. Mr. Nnh, who was also enlisted with his wife, served in the army for a while. For many years, the eldest lady surnamed Meng had to live in a poor, backward mountainous area, be cared for by her grandparents and rarely let go to the city to see and expand. Her academic performance is weak, so this girl’s future is not bright.

Two Huawei girls: No fathers last name, one who grew up in a dilapidated rented house, the rich velvet - Photo 3

It can be said that the grand princess Huawei is one of the sources of energy to help Mr. Nim build a career as now. And this first daughter is also the one who sticks with her parents through the difficult days before getting the property as it is now. In 1984, Mr. Fan chose Shenzhen to bring his family to start a business. The whole family of 3 lived in a dilapidated rental room. Life is extremely hard.

Two Huawei girls: No fathers last name, one who grew up in a dilapidated rented house, the rich velvet - Photo 4

Meng Wanzhou is a name associated with Huawei in recent years. If her father was the King here, Meng Wan’er was the female general. At the notorious tech empire, the grand princess is a central figure in Huawei’s leadership. She also did not need the label “Huawei Princess” but built herself successfully with her abilities.

During 20 years of service at Huawei, no one knew Meng Wanzhou, the lame secretary of the past, was the son of the tycoon there. It wasn’t until 2013 that public opinion was shocked when her true identity was revealed. Currently, with business management talent and many years of stumbling in the market, she is considered to be able to take over the commercial empire from “tycoon” Ren Zhengfei. Not much personal information has been revealed, but it is known that Meng Wanzhou has a husband and 2 children. Her husband has nothing to do with Huawei.

Two Huawei girls: No fathers last name, one who grew up in a dilapidated rented house, the rich velvet - Photo 5

As for Yao Anna (1998), she enjoyed a much higher education and a much more impressive academic profile. The “Second Princess” was born when Ren Zhengfei was 54 years old and Huawei has become a super business in China. Having a young daughter in middle age, who is the only child with his current wife, Ren Zhengfei is extremely pampered and loves the youngest. There wasn’t anything that Yao Anna didn’t have.

Two Huawei girls: No fathers last name, one who grew up in a dilapidated rented house, the rich velvet - Photo 6

Very early, the “two princesses” were sent to Shanghai to study at a private international school, studying piano, chess, calligraphy, painting, ballet. Her 2 older siblings were obviously not fortunate enough to receive the radical education that Yao Anna received. This difference comes from both the family situation belonging to 2 different times and the educational environment of 2 eras.

In the face of public criticism, the Huawei founder’s reaction to his second daughter’s entry into the entertainment industry was: respect her choice. He respected my interests and every decision, let me fly freely, and did not force me to follow my family’s career. For Yao Anna, Ren Zhengfei’s upbringing lay in 2 words: indulgence.

Two Huawei girls: No fathers last name, one who grew up in a dilapidated rented house, the rich velvet - Photo 7

Although not very interested in business, An Na has a respectable artistic talent, her academic achievements will make many people admire.

In 2016, she was one of four Chinese students favorably selected by Harvard to study Computer Science and Statistics at this most prestigious school. Not only that, thanks to her great passion for ballet, she won the highest certificate at the famous dance school RAD and many times participated in major events.

Two Huawei girls: No fathers last name, one who grew up in a dilapidated rented house, the rich velvet - Photo 8

There is a lot of discussion about the Huawei princess’s money not being eaten all her life in a harsh environment like Chinese showbiz.

Some rumors also claim that because of her inability to do business, she will not receive the right to inherit the estate, even Mr. Fan made a will giving the right to take over to the eldest daughter. However, it’s all just rumors.

Two Huawei girls: No fathers last name, one who grew up in a dilapidated rented house, the rich velvet - Photo 9

After all, both Meng Wanzhou and Yao Anna were super-rich and self-sufficient princesses. Two different upbringings gave two completely different daughters. Get different upbringing, different paths, life will also be different. With what Meng Wanzhou and Yao Anna could do, it was impossible to say, who was better than whom.

Two Huawei girls: No fathers last name, one who grew up in a dilapidated rented house, the rich velvet - Photo 10