Using lemon water to cure alcohol intoxication is very dangerous, yet many people still do it. Change to this method immediately to avoid life-threatening risks

Offering lemon or orange juice to someone intoxicated has become a habit for many people, unaware that it does more harm than good.

Why is it said not to cure alcohol intoxication with citrus juice?

Many people believe that using lemon or orange juice helps alleviate alcohol intoxication better. However, this method poses several dangers. Citrus juices contain acid that, when combined with food and alcohol in the stomach, can cause increased vomiting and potential damage to the stomach lining. Instead, it is advisable to give them sugary water, saltwater, honey, sugarcane juice, arrowroot starch water, green bean water, etc. The reason for offering sweetened water is that excessive alcohol consumption can cause a drop in blood sugar levels, leading to severe unconsciousness and even death. When drinking alcohol, many people tend to neglect proper eating habits, and when intoxicated, the risk of plummeting blood sugar levels and subsequent drowsiness increases.

If not provided with sugary water, the individual may remain unconscious due to severe blood sugar drops, leading to a deeper coma and a faster risk of death due to excessively low blood sugar levels. Therefore, instead of lemon or orange juice, provide them with sugary water, saltwater, honey, or sugarcane juice to detoxify and help improve their condition.

Critical points to remember when someone is intoxicated

Toward the end of the year, incidents of alcohol intoxication are prevalent, and some individuals may end up in bed and never wake up. Folklore attributes this to catching a cold, but it’s not the case. Many experts believe that the most dangerous cause of death in intoxicated individuals is choking on vomit, leading to asphyxiation and death.

When intoxicated, the body’s reflexes are impaired, and vomit can reflux into the airway, causing choking.


This is the primary reason for death in intoxicated individuals that many people are unaware of. Therefore, when someone inebriated is present, it’s crucial to have them lie sideways, use or prop pillows to prevent them from lying on their back. If they lie on their back, the risk of death due to vomiting aspiration is very high.

Lying sideways helps in vomiting as the food is pushed outward, not into the windpipe. Occasionally, ensure to wake them up to prevent them from slipping into an undetected coma. To maintain their sideways position, use pillows or blankets behind their back to ensure they stay in this position.

When they are intoxicated and not conscious, avoid inducing vomiting by any means, such as throat stimulation or any actions that may cause quicker vomiting. As when they are not conscious, causing vomiting can easily lead to aspirating vomit into the lungs.

In cases where the intoxicated person exhibits symptoms such as unconsciousness, confusion, seizures, weakness in limbs, slurred speech, wheezing, excessive saliva in the mouth, or a pale complexion, it’s advisable to rush them to the emergency room