Warning: These Are the Medication Side Effects You Should Never Ignore

THESE FIVE Symptoms may indicate a serious problem.


Every drug carries the potential for adverse side effects, which can range in severity from moderate to severe. Because of this, it’s always a good idea to talk with your doctor and pharmacist about possible side effects and what to do if you experience them. But according to Tessa Spencer, PharmD, a functional medicine expert, there are several adverse effects that specialists in the area view as serious warning signs. She claims that everyone should be aware of about five negative effects in general and that they are “essential to look out for regardless of general health and well-being.” Continue reading to find out which five adverse symptoms of medication you should never overlook and what to do if you do.

Depression, anxiety, or suicidal thoughts

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In her interview with Best Life, Spencer discussed one particularly concerning adverse effect that she claims might happen when taking a variety of medications: anxiety, depression, or thoughts of suicide.

“Many drugs used to treat depression and anxiety can actually worsen these conditions, especially in younger people. The black box warning for antidepressants states that they may raise the risk of suicide thoughts and actions among adolescents and young adults “She observes. For a lot of people, this entails paying close attention to minute mood swings and modifying medication as necessary. “The treatment of anxiety and depression is extremely difficult. Before they find a medicine that works for them, people frequently need to test a variety of different pharmaceutical kinds and medication classes “said Spencer.



Another severe drug side effect that you should never ignore, according to Spencer, is dizziness. She states that a variety of pharmaceuticals have been related to this side effect, including sedatives, antidepressants, analgesics, anti-diabetics, contraceptives, anti-inflammatory drugs, cardiovascular treatments, and anti-hypertensive drugs.

She claims that, particularly for older people, the greatest safety risk is not the actual feeling of dizziness. “It is the possibility of harm from falling while feeling unsteady. While younger people can heal more quickly from falls-related injuries, senior people and the elderly are more likely to have serious injuries”, She observes.



Since headaches are a frequent side effect of medication, it is easy to disregard them. According to Spencer, they’re frequently brought on by abusing specific prescriptions, such as painkillers, migraine remedies, and over-the-counter drugs that contain caffeine and opiates. However, she adds, “several drugs, including birth control, drugs for treating chest discomfort, and hormone replacement therapy, can produce headaches without misuse.”

If you’re taking medicine, Spencer advises that any sudden or severe headaches should always be looked into. She continues, “If your headache is accompanied by a stiff neck, double vision, or weakness, you should seek emergency medical attention.”

A skin rash

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According to Spencer, if you experience a rash while taking medication, it’s quite likely that you’re suffering an allergic response.

“Rashes can range in severity and presentation, much like headaches can. The majority of rashes include some degree of redness or tiny, light bumps, and they usually go away when you stop taking the prescription or reduce the dosage “She says. However, she warns that anyone who experience serious reactions—those that cause shortness of breath, blistering rashes on delicate body parts like the eyes and mouth, or painful skin peeling—should see a doctor right soon.

Heart palpitations

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Finally, Spencer advises that whether you’re on medicine or not, you should always seek medical attention if you experience heart palpitations. Palpitations can cause additional difficulties like dizziness, confusion, shortness of breath, and chest pain in addition to indicating a deeper systemic problem.

According to the Doctor of Pharmacy, this adverse effect can happen in people using decongestants, blood pressure medications, thyroid, heart disease, and anti-arrhythmic drugs in addition to asthma inhalers and decongestants. According to her, “heart palpitations can appear in a variety of ways, such as the sensation that your heart is hammering, the sensation that your heart is in your throat, or skipping heartbeats.”

Every time you start a new drug, be sure to talk to your doctor or pharmacist about potential side effects. Also, don’t be afraid to voice any concerns you may have regarding potential adverse effects.