Why do experienced drivers often open only one car window? The safety secret that few driving instructors tell you

Car windows are almost the most prominent accessory, the size of the glass affects the level of lighting and ventilation of the car.

During normal driving, some people will lower the windows to cool down, instead of turning on the air conditioner to save fuel, but opening the windows while the car is moving will cause a very strong wind to blow into the car. Increases wind resistance while the car is running. As drag increases, the car will face increased fuel consumption.

This is the reason why many long-term and experienced drivers often only open one window.

Các tài xế lâu năm thường chỉ mở một cửa sổ ô tô. (Ảnh minh họa)

First, to ensure air circulation, for high-speed drivers, opening the window will easily cause the driver’s ears to be directly affected by air pressure. Therefore, experienced drivers will open a gap in the rear window to ensure air can flow into the car and still avoid the above situation.

Second, while driving, if the windows are always closed, the vibration of the car will cause the air pressure inside and outside the car to be uneven, which in the long run will easily cause damage to the eardrum. You should open the windows to ensure that the atmospheric pressure inside and outside the vehicle is balanced.

In addition, many drivers often have the habit of opening the left window to better observe the rearview mirror and the vehicles behind them. Even when backing up, many people, in addition to looking at the rearview mirror, often stick their head out the left window for easy observation.