Why do large-displacement motorcycle headlights only light up on one side? There’s a purpose to it

The lights of large displacement motorbikes only light on one side, not because of damage but for safety reasons.
Large motorbike lights often only light on one side, causing many people to think that the light is broken. However, the reality behind the light only coming on on one side involves safety and regulatory reasons in some countries.

In European and North American countries, large-displacement motorbikes are often required to have their lights on during the day to increase visibility for other vehicles, especially in foggy conditions like in the US. Older brother.

Ảnh minh họa: Motosaigon

In addition, the reason why motorbikes are equipped with dual lights while only using one light is related to the features of the near and far lights.

In some countries, such as in the US, there are many places where motorbikes and cars will share the same lane and move at high speeds.

When both side lights are on, car drivers can easily confuse a motorbike with a car. Because when two motorbike lights are on at the same time, the driver looks in the mirror and mistakenly thinks it is a car very far away, but in reality it is a large displacement motorbike very close. This may cause an accident to occur.

But when the light only lights on one side, this makes it easier for car drivers to distinguish in the rearview mirror, helping to ensure safety when traveling on the road.