Why do long-haul truck drivers always carry a pebble with them? It may seem unrelated, but it could affect safety!

In terms of feng shui, this small action will help bring safety and peace on each route for car owners.

For drivers, driving safety is extremely important. Just one unwanted collision or accident can affect your health or lose a large amount of money or even implicate others.

It’s no coincidence that drivers often carry a stone or pebble next to them. In terms of feng shui, this small action will help bring safety and peace on each route for car owners.

Carry a stone or pebble with you – The secret to a thousand miles of peace


Carrying a stone or pebble with you is considered a feng shui practice often applied by drivers to wish for “ten thousand miles of peace”.

Small stones or pebbles represent the Earth element, helping to balance the yin and yang of the five elements in the car. This will help bring luck and safety to drivers all over the road.

Both Eastern feng shui and Western mysticism believe that stones carry energy and have the ability to purify negative energy, attracting many forms of positive energy into life.

Because rocks form and exist over thousands of years, even millions of years, absorbing the aura of heaven and earth, they possess an extremely powerful source of energy.

Many beliefs believe that car feng shui stones can strengthen health, cure diseases, ward off evil spirits, attract wealth, luck, love, and bring complete happiness…

Some popular types of car feng shui stones include: Quartz stone, Aquamarine stone, marble, Moonstone stone, Sapphire stone, Tourmaline stone, Malachite stone.

When choosing car feng shui stones, car owners need to remember to choose the type of stone and stone color that suits their destiny, avoiding choosing types that conflict with their destiny.

Choose feng shui stones that suit your destiny

+ Choose feng shui stones for people of the Metal element

Choosing feng shui stones according to age is best for compatibility: Metal is born from Earth. Earth produces gold and silver, so use earthy colors such as dark yellow, earthy brown, and fossilized wood like tiger’s eye.

The second best thing is to be in harmony: Compatible with the Metal element is Metal, which is white (silver metal), bright gold (jewelry gold) and silver.

Third comes the overcoming: Metal will overcome wood. The subject of the Metal element will be able to carve the stone they wear in green and blue tones.

Do not use stones with colors belonging to the Fire element such as red, pink, orange, purple stones. Because Fire overcomes Metal, wearing stones with colors that symbolize fire will be detrimental to the owner.

+ Choose feng shui stones for people of the Fire element

Feng shui stones of any type radiate good energy to the user. But the best for people of the Fire element must be stones with the color of the Wood element, that is, green or blue.

Because when wood burns, it becomes a fire, meaning Wood will give birth to Fire. Therefore, green and blue stones are the number 1 stone color that people of the Fire element should use.


Like other destiny people, people with Fire destiny will do well if they use gemstones with compatible colors, that is, the same Fire element with the typical colors of Fire: red, pink, orange, purple.

If the owner wants to use white stone, that’s fine, because the Fire element can overcome the color of the stone, meaning Fire can overcome Metal. Heating metal melts into water – that only fire can do.

However, you should not use feng shui stones that are black, gray, or blue. Because that is the color of water (Water). If you use it, you will be unlucky, because when Water and Fire fight, the loser will belong to Fire, because water will extinguish the fire.

+ Choose feng shui stones for people of the Water element

The best feng shui stones for people of the Water element are silver and white stones. Because the above colors according to the regulations of the five elements belong to Metal, and Metal gives birth to Water, so when wearing silver and white stones, people of the Water element will be compatible.

The second best thing for people of the Water element is the harmony between the Water element and the color of the stone. They should use black, gray, blue colors such as sapphire, aquamarin, tactite…

Absolutely do not use feng shui stones with dark yellow or earthy brown colors, because those are the colors of the Earth element. To block the overflow of large rivers and seas, people must build dikes with soil, stone, and sand. Earth will dominate Water. Therefore, people of the Water element should not wear stones with Earth colors, it will be disadvantageous for them.

+ Choose feng shui stones for people of the Wood element

For people of the Wood element to be healthy, lucky, wealthy, and prosperous, it is very important to choose and buy a feng shui stone according to their age and destiny according to the color of the five elements.

To be compatible: Water nourishes wood. The best stone color for people of the wood element is water color, including: black, gray, navy blue, blue.

To be compatible: Two wood becomes a forest. If there are many trees, there is a forest. Harmony with people of the Wood element is the Wood color, including: all blue colors, such as green, sky blue…

To carve a stone: People of the Wood element can create Earth elements including dark yellow, earthy brown, and petrified wood. Thus, wearing the Earth-colored stone, people of the Wood element are safe and do not have to worry.

Absolutely do not use Metal colored stones such as white and silver. Because knives can cut trees, wearing jewelry with colored stones symbolizing Metal will not be good for the wearer. White stones should be avoided for people of the Wood element.

+ Choose feng shui stones according to age for people of the Earth element

When everything is burned, it will become ash, dust, soil, sand, so Fire will give birth to Earth. Therefore, people of the Earth element should use stones with the color of Fire, and they will be compatible. These are the colors: red, pink, orange, purple.

There is a saying “two Earths become mountains”. If they use stones that are dark yellow or brown, it will be very good for them, because people and stones of the same destiny are compatible with each other. Rock and soil can control water. People of the Earth element can control stones with the colors of the Water element: black, gray, and blue.