Woman “Humbled” After Almost Not Making Her Flight Because Of Her Drastically Different Passport Photo

Alisha Marie, 30, from Los Angeles, USA, was stopped at Istanbul airport, in Turkey, because border officials thought she didn’t look like her glamorous passport snap

Alisha Marie

A woman claims that border officials almost banned her from a flight because her passport was too “hot”. The lass warned fellow holidaymakers not to get too done up for their official snaps.

Usually, our passport snaps aren’t the best. You’re not allowed to smile, must have no accessories on and it’s often taken under harsh fluorescent lights.

But, Alisha Marie, 30, shared her tale of potential disaster on TikTok, @alishamarie. She claims she glammed herself up so much for her passport photo that she wasn’t recognisable.

Alisha discussed her “passport fail” in a video which racked up over 15million views. She said: “They almost didn’t let me on my flight because they said I don’t look like my passport. This is why you should never do hot photos for your passport because I don’t look like this.”