6 of Vanga’s prophecies about the world in 2024 are shocking

Baba Vanga (January 31, 1911 – August 11, 1996), was a famous Bulgarian seer and herbalist. The reason she is known to many people is because she correctly predicted many major events, such as the Chernobyl tragedy (1986), the death of Princess Diana (1997), the dissolution of the Soviet Union. Writing (1991), 9/11 events in the US (2001) and Brexit (2020).

According to the Guardian, Indiatimes or Mirrors, Vanga’s prophecies are 85% true. In fact, in 2022, a number of events happened exactly as she predicted. For example, she correctly predicted that by 2022, some Asian countries and Australia would suffer “severe flooding”. As a result, many parts of Australia have been hit by heavy rain, causing widespread flooding, forcing hundreds of thousands of people to evacuate.

She also predicts that many cities will experience water shortages due to drought. That took place in Europe during the hottest summer on record.

6 lời tiên tri của bà Vanga về thế giới năm 2024 gây choáng váng

Although she died in 1996, her prophecies are still recorded and they are said to last until 5079 – the time when she believed that humanity would end. In the year 2024, the blind prophet also made a series of predictions about our world.

1. The Rise of Quantum Computers

Ms. Vanga said that 2024 is the year to witness the strong development of quantum computers. Thanks to modern technology, these computers will be able to perform calculations and analyze complex forms of data at unimaginable speeds. These changes will also have a significant impact on different industries such as finance, cybersecurity or healthcare.

2. Find a solution to cancer

Along with the rise of quantum computers, Ms. Vanga believes that 2024 is also a breakthrough year for world medicine. Many new treatment methods and technologies will be developed to the point of curing diseases that were previously thought to be incurable.

Specifically, Ms. Baba Vanga describes that the treatment of Alzheimer’s disease will take a big step forward, bringing hope to millions of people suffering from this debilitating memory condition. In addition, Ms. Vanga also said that scientists will find a cure for cancer and save humanity from this evil disease in 2024.

3. Natural disasters happen in a row

Not only having positive predictions, Ms. Vanga also made a series of stunning prophecies for the year 2024.

First, we have to mention the prophecy about natural disasters that keep happening. The blind prophet said that the number of storms, floods, earthquakes, and fires will increase rapidly and cause great damage to people and property in the coming year.

In particular, Ms. Vanga also reminded to pay attention to the big earthquake in the Pacific Rim region. According to her, most of these disasters stem from global warming and climate change.

Bà Vanga có 6 lời tiên tri về năm 2024, chấn động nhất là dự đoán

4. The age of oil is coming to an end

Vanga’s next prophecy in 2024 is that the oil industry is coming to an end. Instead, the new energy sector will dominate. Some have suggested that her prediction is implying that the renewable energy industry will take the place of the oil industry.

5. Donald Trump’s mysterious illness

Ms. Vanga said that in 2024, former US President Donald Trump may suffer from a mysterious disease. This disease caused him to gradually lose his hearing and suffered a traumatic brain injury.

6. The Great Global Economic Crisis

According to Ms. Vanga’s prediction about 2024, a major economic crisis will occur, affecting the world. This crisis was caused by many factors but increased debt, the shift of economic power from West to East and geopolitical tensions.