50 Photos Of Things Your Rarely Get To See

There’s all sorts of weird and unique things out there in the world we rarely, if ever, get to see. Some may be so small they require a microscope to see, while may appear and disappear so quickly, you’d be lucky to even catch a glimpse. Lucky for us, some people actually managed to capture some of these rare things and occurrences, and share them with the world.

Read more #1 This Is What Grains Of Sand Look Like When Magnified 100 To 300 Times

Image source: Gary Greenberg

#2 Rocks On The Lake Baikal

Image source: Елена Вторушина

Rocks on the lake Baikal get heated from the sunlight every now and then and melt the ice beneath. After the sun is gone, the ice turns solid again thus creating a small stand for the rock above. It is called the Baikal Dzen.

#3 This Is A Music Typewriter: How Music Was Typed Before Computers

Image source: Mass1m01973

#4 This Cat I Met Today Has Sauron’s Eyes

Image source: butterfly-the-dick

#5 This Purely Golden Bee Landed On My Car Today

Image source: EliteDangerous72

#6 Saw A Snail Today While I Was Outside And Its Shell Is Crystal Clear

Image source: reddit.com

#7 This Little Transparent Guy Landed On Me In The Ecuadorian Amazon

Image source: neighma

#8 Nasa’s Photo Of Pluto

Image source:  Johns Hopkins University/APL 

NASA’s New Horizons spacecraft captured this high-resolution enhanced color view of Pluto on July 14, 2015. The image combines blue, red and infrared images taken by the Ralph/Multispectral Visual Imaging Camera (MVIC). Pluto’s surface sports a remarkable range of subtle colors, enhanced in this view to a rainbow of pale blues, yellows, oranges, and deep reds. Many landforms have their own distinct colors, telling a complex geological and climatological story that scientists have only just begun to decode. The image resolves details and colors on scales as small as 0.8 miles (1.3 kilometers).

#9 This Sea Slug, Which Looks Like A Leaf, Can Go Without Eating For 9 Months, Because It Can Photosynthesize Just Like A Plant While Basking In The Sun

Image source: Patrick J. Krug

#10 My Friend’s Blind Cat Soren Has Amazing Eyes

Image source: DemonreachDaycare

#11 Sun Through A UV Lens

Image source: Nathalia Alzate / SDO

#12 A Curly-Haired Horse

#13 The Local Nursing Home Is An Indoor Town. There’s A Movie Theater And Pub

Image source: ParzivalsQuest

#14 Blue Bees Exist (Blue Carpenter Bee)

#15 Assisted Living Facility Made To Look Like A Small 1940s American Town

Image source: BunyipPouch

#16 This Is What A “Split Lobster” Looks Like. This Coloring Occurs Once In Every 50 Million Lobsters

This split-colored lobster displays a condition known as gynandromorphy, meaning it is half male, half female. In this case, the blue side is the female side, and the brown side is the male side.

#17 My Neighbor’s House Encased In Ice After The Recent Blizzard In Ohio (On Shore Of Lake Erie)

Image source: insanezane777

#18 Tulips Blooming In The Snow

Image source: starstufft

#19 Customer Came In And Let Me Take A Picture Of Her Hands That Had 6 Fingers On Each

Image source: Designer_Drugz

#20 This Butterfly Is A Bilateral Gynandromorph, Literally Half Male, Half Female

Image source: 9w_lf9

#21 Transparent Fish

Image source: Subtle_Omega

#22 Fin Whale Vertebrae Beneath The Water Near Kongsfjorden, Norway

Image source: buen viaje

#23 This Shower Formed Naturally Inside A Cave

Image source: Bandolerow

#24 A Purple Grasshopper Found In My Garden

Image source: prnlc

#25 My Friend’s Giant Sunflower

Image source: Verryfastdoggo

#26 Time Lapse Photo Of A Beehive

Image source: King_Toad

#27 I Found A Very Small Frog

Image source: look-a-lurker

#28 Ex-World Champion Cyclist Janez Brajkovic Leg After A Race

Image source: janibrajkovic

#29 Me And My Girlfriend Were Walking In The Woods The Other Week And Saw A Rainbow Pool For The First Time

Image source: brentenross

#30 This Blue Jay Still Has Half Of Its Baby Feathers

Image source: CanadianGrown

#31 140 Million Year Old, 500 Kg Dinosaur Femur Discovered In France

Image source: Georges Gobet

#32 Those Ain’t Trees

Image source: RomeoEightJuliet

Positive streamers (which are positively charged ionic channels) rise up from the ground. When one of them meets a negatively charged step leader, it results in a lightning strike.

#33 Valonia Ventricosa, The Largest Single-Celled Organism On Earth. Yep, This Is A Single Living Cell

#34 Saw An Albino Buck Near My Daughter’s Daycare

Image source: eru_dite

#35 This Bicolor Sunflower I Grew

Image source: VonClawde

#36 The Blue Java Banana, Which Is Said To Have The Same Consistency As Ice Cream And A Similar Flavor To Vanilla

#37 One Of The Oldest Rocks In Existence, The Murchison Meteorite. It’s 4,600,000,000 Years Old, And Likely Existed Before The Earth Itself Had Completely Formed

Interestingly, it also contains amino acids, the chemical building blocks of DNA.

Image source: bpoag

#38 A Boy Born Weighing 268 Grams (9.45 Oz) Was Sent Home Healthy After Months In The Neonatal Care Unit In Tokyo. He’s The Smallest Child To Ever Be Born And Survive

Image source: Kriss0612

#39 This Funky Little Ribbon Cloud Outside My Plane Window

Image source: LordofHares

#40 Translucent Blue Tang

Image source: beesbuzzlots

#41 There Are Caves In Mexico With Crystals As Big As Trees, But You Can’t Explore The Caves For Too Long Due To Heat And The Toxic Atmosphere. But I Mean Look At Those Things

Image source: ZayOnline

#42 Cannabis Field In The Middle Of A Cornfield

Image source: Ryanoo0

#43 This Mutated Daisy

Image source: SuperBlowball

#44 What Appears To Be A Pile Of Broken Glass Is Actually A Frozen Lake Michigan

#45 Jupiter Viewed From Its South Pole

Image source: NASA

#46 Ant Face Under Electron Microscope

Image source: Sumit316

#47 Dinosaur Footprints In France

Image source: kt0me

#48 You Can See Where My Nails Stopped And Started Growing Again Between Chemo Cycles

Image source: mayyonnaise

#49 A Clutch Of Dinosaur Eggs In A Friend’s Personal Collection. As A Dinosaur Fanatic, This Blows Me Away

Image source: CryoBanksy

#50 Australian Fire Breaks In Action

Image source: hypersonicelf