Body modification fanatic who had his nose and two fingers removed says he was a ‘very sexy guy’ before his transformation – but reveals he still has more changes to make including a leg amputation

A man who says he is a ‘black alien’, with inked eyeballs and green forked tongue said his body transformation is only 46 per cent complete – and he still wants to amputate his leg.

A new Channel 4 documentary, The Black Alien Project, tells the shocking true story of Anthony Loffredo, 33, from France, who has gained notoriety across the globe for undergoing extreme body modifications to transform himself into a so-called ‘black alien’.

In a clip from the programme, Anthony, who has amassed 1million followers on social media, is seen telling first-time filmmaker Arthur Bruel that, despite already having had his nose, ears and two fingers amputated, he still believes his body transformation journey isn’t complete as he looks at photos of his old self.

He tells Bruel he was a ‘sexy man’ but adds that he never felt comfortable before making the modifications as he was not in a body that he considered his own.

However, the documentary reveals that Anthony’s most radical procedure is still to come as he plans to amputate one of his legs and replace it with a robotic one.

A new Channel 4 documentary tells the shocking true story of Anthony Loffredo, 33, from France, who has gained notoriety across the globe for undergoing extreme body modifications to transform himself into a so-called ‘black alien’

It also shines a light on the emotional and psychological motivations behind Anthony’s body choices.

As he looks at historic photographs of himself before ever having any work done, Anthony remarks that he used to be a ‘very sexy guy’.

However Anthony admitted he felt he had to transform himself because it was ‘not [his] real body’.

In the documentary, Arthur Bruel delves into Anthony’s personal life and the people behind his transformative procedures, after tracking down the body modification enthusiast in Mexico.

Despite never even having had a tattoo himself, Arthur cultivates an unlikely friendship with the enigmatic Frenchman.

Filmmaker Arthur said: ‘When I first got in touch with Anthony to see if he’d be interested in talking with me about his extraordinary life, I could never have imagined that I’d end up travelling to Mexico, spending so much time with him, and forming a remarkable bond that gave me an eye-opening insight into why Anthony and others modify their bodies to such a striking extent.

‘This documentary raises questions about the ethics of plastic surgery and its impact on our society, and also explores the importance of self-acceptance and the right to self-determination.

In an exclusive clip, Anthony is seen telling first-time filmmaker Arthur Bruel that, despite already having had his nose, ears and two fingers amputated, he still believes his body transformation journey isn’t complete

As he looks at historic photographs of himself before ever having any work done, Anthony remarks that he used to be a ‘very sexy guy’

In The Black Alien Project Arthur Bruel obtains unprecedented access to Anthony’s personal life and the people behind his transformative procedures

‘But in the main, it tells the true, unfiltered story – not of a ‘black alien’ – but of Anthony Loffredo, the real human being behind the headlines.’

Speaking to LadBible TV, the Frenchman previously admitted that his extreme look has earned him some criticism, and that local restaurants won’t serve him on the terrace anymore.

‘If I want to eat at a restaurant, sometimes the server says I can’t eat on the terrace,’ the Alien wannabe said.

He added that changing his body to look more Alien-like has boosted his self-confidence, saying: ‘There are people that said thanks to me as they feel more secure now. That now the looks they get from other people, don’t bother them.’

He previously told the Club 113 podcast: I can’t find a job, there’s lots of negative stuff. It could be positive because you feel better, but you have to know there’s also a dark side.

Loffredo has undergone surgery to have a hole cut through the skin below his bottom lip. He often posts images to Instagram of himself poking his forked tongue through the hole.

He tracks Anthony down in Mexico and, despite never even having had a tattoo himself, Arthur cultivates an unlikely friendship with the enigmatic Frenchman

Last year, Loffredo revealed he had surgery in Mexico to cut off his two fingers so that his hand looks like a claw

Last year, Loffredo revealed he had surgery in Mexico to cut off his two fingers so that his hand looks like a claw.

Graphic images and video footage showed Loffredo lying on an operating table surrounded by surgeons as he raised up his hand to look at his new ‘claw’ in awe.

In July, Loffredo revealed that he was preparing to remove two fingers from his right hand as well so that he can have matching ‘claws’.

He said he dreamed of removing his skin entirely and replacing it with metal and listed his arms, legs and fingers, along with the back of his head, as the next parts of his body he wants to have modified.

Speaking to French newspaper Midi Libre in 2017, Loffredo said he had been ‘passionate about mutations and transformations of the human body’ from a young age.

When he was working as a security guard in his twenties, he realised he was not living in the way that he wanted to.

Loffredo, who has previously revealed his extreme look has hindered him from finding work, said: ‘It’s something really hard because I have a healthy leg, and an amputation is something big

The Frenchman, who documents his dramatic physical alterations for his 1.2 million followers on Instagram, now wants to go one step further by amputating his leg from the knee down

‘I stopped everything at 24 and left for Australia’, Loffredo, who according to his Instagram is now based in Montpellier, France, told the paper.

‘It has become normal, even unconscious, to constantly think about my plans [for body modification] for the next few months,’ The Mirror reported Loffredo as saying.

The striking-looking individual said he loved ‘getting into the shoes of a scary character’.

‘I often settle down somewhere and play a role, especially at night in the dark streets,’ he said.

‘I explore the contrast between the role I play and myself.’

You can stream The Black Alien Project in full on the Channel 4 Docs YouTube channel from 6pm on 11 June.