Home Animal Cat endures two canine assaults, receives veterinary care, and discovers a permanent,...

Cat endures two canine assaults, receives veterinary care, and discovers a permanent, loving home

Buddy’s story was shared worldwide as people, horrified by what had happened to the cat, started donating in hopes of saving the black stray. However, Buddy wasn’t ready to give up on his life that easily as he did his best to survive.

Meet Buddy, a cat who barely survived a vicious attack from two dogs

The cat had been on a porch before two teenagers walking the dogs approached it and let them off the leash, allowing them to attack Buddy

Buddy the cat had to be hospitalized as he fought for his life

Emergency veterinarian Katie Venanzi hoped the cat would survive the attack, however, the chances seemed slim

As Venanzi attended to his numerous wounds, she saw the cat growl at BluePearl Pet Hospital workers and smack his tail on the table

Following all of that, Buddy the cat began recovering on March 22nd and is now physically healed

The cat still has some psychological trauma to process but his new owners are doing their best to help him

The two boys, who are still minors, were accused and charged with offenses such as aggravated animal abuse and animal fighting

Before the attack, Buddy was a homeless cat, however, following his recovery, Venanzi, the veterinarian who treated him decided to adopt him

Dave, Venanzi’s husband, had the idea to adopt the cat because he was aware of how closely his wife had bonded with Buddy

Right now, Buddy is happy in his new furever home as he enjoys the company of his new brother Teddy