Obama’s feverish photo

Netizens were delighted by former US President Barack Obama’s private gesture to his wife, Michelle Obama, during a family vacation in Greece.

On June 21, paparazzi caught the Obama family visiting the Acropolis, a famous tourist destination in Athens, Greece.

Former US President Barack Obama with his wife, Michelle, and their two daughters (Malia and Sasha) climbing the steps to discover the icon of Athens, which stands 150 meters above sea level.

The photo is causing Mr. Obama fever-1The photo is causing Mr. Obama fever-2
The Obamas have a style of dressing much younger than their age. Photo: Back Grid.

Even at the age of 60, the Obamas still maintain a youthful fashion style. Mr. Obama is simple and comfortable in a blue shirt teamed with tight white pants and sneakers of the same color.

Meanwhile, the former First Lady of the US rocked a green jumpsuit, matching headband and white mesh knit sweater, adding a pair of sneakers with her husband. Compared to her parents, two daughters in their twenties seem older.

Among the photos shared by the media, the most notable is an image of Mr. Obama’s “hand”.

As Michelle was concentrating on climbing the stairs, the Promised Land author walked right behind and patted his wife’s bottom with his hand.

Netizens expressed interest in the power couple’s private moment. Many comments remained: “They are lovely”, “He is just trying to protect his property”, “They are married, this is completely normal”, “He loves his wife”, “Awesome”, “His feelings for Michelle are sweet, but maybe he You should save this for private moments.

The photo that is causing fever of Mr. Obama-3The photo of Obama “touching” his three wives caused a fever in the online community. Photo: Back Grid.

According to the Daily Mail, the Obamas went to Greece to attend an Obama Foundation event and it appears they took the time to visit the famous venue.

The event is a meeting place for 100 change makers and leaders from across Africa, Asia Pacific and Europe.

Here, Mr. Obama and attendees listened and discussed the challenges leaders face and learned about opportunities for advancement in their jobs.

barack and michelle They met in 1989 while working for the same law firm. In 1992, the two got married. They gave birth to their first daughter in 1998 and welcomed another girl three years later.

Mr. Obama is not afraid to show his affection publicly. In 2020, he shared several photos of him hugging and kissing his wife in a happy birthday post.

Meanwhile, in an interview on Revolt TV in December 2022, Mrs. Obama admitted that she couldn’t stand her husband for the first decade of their marriage.

The author explains that she has to take on most of the responsibility for taking care of the family and raising two young children. Meanwhile, the 61-year-old politician is often absent.

She gets upset when her husband spends his time golfing or traveling for work, and she has to try to balance being a mother and a lawyer.

The photo is causing Mr. Obama fever-4Malia and Sasha were also on the tour. Photo: Back Grid.