Comedy Wildlife Photography Finalists Announced And We Can’t Stop Laughing

Comedy Wildlife Photo Finalists Announced And We Can’t Stop LaughingComedy Wildlife Photography Awards 2020

We can always rely on animals to make us smile, but none do it better than the finalists for the Comedy Wildlife Photography Awards. 


These awards exist because nature is not just beautiful, it can also be hilarious. Spotted a stunning flock of birds flying in perfect synchrony? Well, standing on a nearby picnic bench is a seagull that ate an entire sausage in one go.

How about some majestic lions captured against a roaring sunset? Look the other way and there’s another big cat sniffing its bum. These moments could easily go unseen and unappreciated, but the Comedy Wildlife Photography Awards aim to make sure that they’re not lost forever.

Animal eyes up preyComedy Wildlife Photography Awards 2020

Last year’s winners included a shocked-looking otter, a very angry bird and a young lion cub making a plaything out of another big cat’s balls, which I have to admit, seem hard to top.


Still, while the rest of us spent most of the year confined to our homes, animals in the wild have been getting up to some pretty amusing things, and as a result the 2020 awards have rustled up some incredible scenes.

Squirrel has hair standing on endComedy Wildlife Photography Awards 2020

A total of 44 pictures have made it to the finals for this year’s competition, which offers awards in six different categories: The Alex Walker’s Serian Creatures of the Land Category; The Spectrum Creatures in the Air Category; The ThinkTank Photo Junior Category; The Amazing Internet Portfolio Category; The Underwater Category; and The Video Clip Category.

While I could easily dissect every one of the 44 images that have made it into the final, I’ll keep things brief. Check out some of the brilliant images below.

I know birds don’t have fingernails, but if they did, this is what it would look like if they broke one and refused to go anywhere until it was filed back to perfection:

Bird looks like its filing its nailsComedy Wildlife Photography Awards 2020

This group of penguins look very familiar, probably because they resemble friends heading out for breakfast after a night of drinking, except one of them isn’t dealing with the hangover so well. We’ve all been there, buddy:

Penguin throws up at the back of a groupComedy Wildlife Photography Awards 2020Advert

Having a bad hair day? Don’t worry, this polar bear can relate:

Polar bear looks dejectedComedy Wildlife Photography Awards 2020

‘No, I don’t need your help, I can reach it perfectly fine!’

Animal stuck in the hole of a treeComedy Wildlife Photography Awards 2020

When the portion size says ‘serves two’, but you know there’s no way you’re sharing:

Bird steals all the fish from its friendComedy Wildlife Photography Awards 2020

I don’t think turtles would understand the phrase, ‘That’s turtley awesome!’, but if they did, this would be their response:

Turtle looks like it’s giving the middle fingerComedy Wildlife Photography Awards 2020

This one is pretty self-explanatory… let’s leave them to it:

Monkeys look like they’re having sexComedy Wildlife Photography Awards 2020

We all need to take a bit of time for ourselves every now and again, don’t we?

AdvertSeal lies in waterComedy Wildlife Photography Awards 2020

The look of two children who hear their mum coming home and realise they forgot to take the chicken out of the freezer:

Bears look concerned and shockedComedy Wildlife Photography Awards 2020

They say you should back away slowly if you see a bear, but I’m pretty sure this one just wants to be friends. Probably best not to hang around to find out, though:

Bear waves at photographerComedy Wildlife Photography Awards 2020

Pretty much every human has a selfie like this in their camera roll, so it’s only fair that giraffes should get one, too:

Giraffe photobombs pictureComedy Wildlife Photography Awards 2020

I think we can all agree that all of the animals that made it to the final would be worthy winners, but we’ll have to wait until October 22 to find out which ones will make it all the way!

You can check out the rest of the finalists on the Comedy Wildlife Photography Awards website.

If you have a story you want to tell, send it to UNILAD via [email protected]

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