Lee Hyori revealed a shocking truth about her married life: Haven’t done this with her husband for a whole year, is their marriage in trouble

Though Lee Hyori and her husband were always happy but unexpectedly revealed a hidden corner of marriage: “Sexy Queen” told Bi Rain for the first time

Recently, “sexy queen” Lee Hyori  caused a stir with her sharing about married life. It turns out that her admirable love affair with musician Lee Sang Soon  wasn’t always all rosy. Most recently, in the program Seoul Check-In , the female singer had honest thoughts about family life with close friends including Kim Jong Min, Shin Ji, DinDin and Eun Ji Won. Here, she shocked when she revealed that this year she had not kissed her husband.

At the beginning of the story, Lee Hyori affirmed that Lee Sang Soon was her life’s destiny. She knew for sure that she would marry him since the first time she met, “ I used to feel like I wanted to marry someone else, but when I met Sang Soon, I thought, ‘I’ll marry this person’. so sure that she even texted you ‘I really think I’ll marry him’”.

Lee Hyori is very sure and serious about marrying Lee Sang Soon
Ever since they started dating, Lee Hyori has been thinking about marrying Lee Sang Soon

After Lee Hyori’s sincere sharing about marriage, the conversation suddenly changed direction.

Lee Hyori suddenly asked Eun Ji Won about the veteran male idol’s last kiss. Immediately, DinDin suggested using a lie detector to make the story more interesting. It was Lee Hyori’s turn, she had a shocking sharing, surprising both her friends and the audience.

The “sexy queen” confided that throughout this year, she had never kissed her husband Lee Sang Soon once. To everyone’s surprised reaction, Lee Hyori had to explain, “I also smelled on his lips, but I didn’t kiss him”. Along with the previous unromantic marriage confession, the public raised the suspicion that Lee Hyori’s married life was in trouble.

Lee Hyori’s share surprised friends and the audience. The “sexy queen” confessed that she had never kissed her husband all year
Currently, Lee Hyori and her husband are planning to have children. She also often shares many things about married life. Last week, she made people stir up because she revealed that she felt her marriage lacked romance