Jang Won Young is pre.gn.ant with her first ch.ild at the age of 19 and is dating a senior. What’s the truth?

Recently, Korean netizens have been discussing a series of information related to Jang Won Young posted by a YouTube channel. According to the channel owner, member IVE is currently dating a male artist who is much older than her, and is even pregnant with her first child.

By the afternoon of September 14, a representative from Starship Entertainment – the female singer’s management company – spoke out to refute the above information. At the same time, female idol representative Jang Won Young also expressed her hope that the authorities will enforce strict sanctions against YouTubers who post false rumors that affect the artist. Starship also emphasized that many other artists in their company have also become victims of fake news over the past time.

Jang Won Young is pregnant with her first child at the age of 19 and is dating a senior. Whats the truth? - Photo 1

Starship’s representative added that they have taken legal actions in response to the above mentioned YouTube channel since November last year. After being sued, the channel owner continued to post a lot of bad and false information, causing anger in public opinion. Regarding this, Starship pledges to protect the rights of artists to the end: “We will make every effort to pursue the lawsuit to the end to make the channel owner pay the price.”

At the end of the announcement, Jang Won Young’s side emphasized the importance of an appropriate sentence for the infamous YouTuber: “If the YouTuber who posts false news is not punished appropriately, we are concerned that people “This will repeat the wrongdoings in the future. If this YouTuber is heavily fined, it will certainly make an important contribution to repelling the problem of fake news.”

Jang Won Young is pregnant with her first child at the age of 19 and is dating a senior. Whats the truth? - Photo 3

Jang Won Young was “chosen to send gold” to become the ambassador of many luxury fashion and jewelry brands such as Miu Miu and FRED. On Korean social networking forums, it seems like every day there is a topic of discussion related to Jang Won Young’s beauty.

Jang Won Young is pregnant with her first child at the age of 19 and is dating a senior. Whats the truth? - Photo 4

Previously, Jang Won Young was criticized for “disaster” live singing, lip-syncing, lazy dancing, arrogant attitude, and unfriendly towards colleagues and seniors.

These controversies made Won Young an idol with many anti-fans among Gen 4 Kpop, although she is also the female idol with the most fans thanks to her outstanding beauty, considered a “new generation goddess”. Many people mock Jang Won Young as an idol who doesn’t respect his career, only has beauty but no talent.

Jang Won Young is pregnant with her first child at the age of 19 and is dating a senior. Whats the truth? - Photo 5

However, recently, a sharing from a director in the industry made the audience have a more sympathetic view of Jang Won Young.

In a radio show on MBC, director Son Seung Hee, who directed the production of IVE’s “I Am” MV, shared about the MV filming process, surprising the public.

Director Son revealed: “Maybe this has never been mentioned before, but Won Young was injured on set. She injured her hand and had to have 7 stitches. That was my biggest fear. once encountered on the set of a MV filming.

We have 2 more filming sessions left, but since Won Young was injured, I think the MV filming will be canceled. However, it was surprising when she went to the emergency room 2 days in a row to have her wound stitched, then immediately reappeared on the set to continue filming.”

Jang Won Young is pregnant with her first child at the age of 19 and is dating a senior. Whats the truth? - Photo 6

The female director highly praised Jang Won Young’s professional attitude despite her serious injury: “She is very professional, there are no signs that she is having difficulty. Even though she is in her prime. quite young age.

The choreography of “I Am” has a number of movements that require using the arms and spreading them out many times. I could only wince as I watched her perform those movements. It broke my heart to see her perform dance moves with that injury.”

There are some scenes in the MV that would not have been possible if Won Young did not try to return to the studio.”

Jang Won Young is pregnant with her first child at the age of 19 and is dating a senior. Whats the truth? - Photo 7