G-Dragon’s recent status after “drug negative” ‘Now that my standards have become firmer, I don’t get swayed’

Singer G-Dragon shared his current status

On December 11th, G-Dragon released photos of his daily life from November.

The photos show scenes from G-Dragon’s daily life, such as cutting his hair and writing. Attention is drawn to the phrases expressing G-Dragon’s feelings.

G-Dragon captured a writing, stating, “Even if it seems like a problem to others, if it’s not a problem to me, the answer will be different. If I were to live my life, the answer would be who I am right now. I don’t know yet who will be right. Now that my standards have become firmer, I don’t assign myself to other people’s situations or get swayed. No matter how sincere someone’s concern for you is, or how your life appears on the outside, the most important thing is that you know yourself.”

The book shared by G-Dragon contains words like “Those who know don’t speak. Those who speak don’t know“.

Meanwhile, G-Dragon has recently been embroiled in allegations of drug use. Asserting his innocence, G-Dragon voluntarily attended the police station for a drug test. After a preliminary test, the National Forensic Service (NFS) conducted a detailed analysis of hair and nail samples, both showing negative results for drugs, supporting G-Dragon’s “not guilty” position.

Furthermore, there have been reports that G-Dragon is in discussions for an exclusive contract with Galaxy Corporation (Galaxy), hinting at his comeback as a singer.