Put a bar of soap in the wardrobe, and everyone will be surprised by the benefits it brings.

Soap bars are commonly used for body cleansing, but they have many other uses that not everyone knows.

Eliminate unpleasant odors in the wardrobe

Place a bar of your favorite scented soap in the wardrobe. You can place it directly or in a thin fabric pouch. The fragrance from the soap bar will diffuse, permeating the wardrobe and leaving a pleasant scent on the clothes.

With this method, the clothes hanging in the wardrobe will always maintain a pleasant smell.

Apart from freshening clothes, soap bars have numerous other uses that you can explore and apply.

Illustrative image. Polish sunglasses

If you want to polish sunglasses while preventing them from fogging up, try washing the lenses with warm water. Then, apply a drop of dish soap on your fingertip or use a soft soap bar to gently rub both sides of the lenses. Finally, use a small fiber cloth to polish the glass surface.

Fill nail holes in walls

Rub a dry bar of soap over nail holes on the wall and use a cloth to remove excess soap particles. This quick method can effectively fill the nail holes, restoring a smooth surface to the wall.

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Keep bathroom mirrors from fogging up

Rub a bar of soap thoroughly on the glass surface of the mirror. No need to apply a thick layer. Once done, use a soft cotton or small fiber cloth to polish the mirror until it becomes clear again.

Repel pests from indoor plants

For households with indoor plants, this method is truly useful. Soap can help eliminate and deter common pests on indoor and garden plants. Use organic soap to avoid harming the plants. You can use liquid soap or dissolve a bar of soap in water.

Here’s a recipe for a pest control solution:

  • 1 gallon of water (3.78 liters)
  • 1 tablespoon of liquid soap
  • 1 tablespoon of vegetable oil

After preparing the ingredients, mix the solution thoroughly and spray it on plants affected by pests.

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Silence squeaky doors

Another benefit of soap is silencing squeaky doors. Rub a bar of soap against the hinges. Then, open and close the door several times to lubricate the hinges with soap.

Use soap to clean up broken glass

When glass breaks, there might be small shards you haven’t noticed. To ensure no small fragments are left behind, take a smooth bar of soap and carefully run it over the areas where glass pieces might be. Be meticulous to ensure all tiny glass fragments are removed from the floor.