23 years unable to conceive naturally, a woman was surprised to discover the cause related to her personal hygiene in her “intimate area”

After many years of seeking natural conception without success, Mrs. H was extremely surprised when the doctor explained that her hygiene habits were the cause.

Dr. Phan Chi Thanh, Head of the Training Center Office at the Central Obstetrics and Gynecology Hospital, shared about a new patient over 40 years old who had been experiencing infertility for 23 years. Named Mrs. H and residing in Hanoi, she got married at the age of 22 but has remained childless. Over the past 23 years, Mrs. H and her husband sought treatments in many places hoping for natural conception, yet with no results.

At this point in time, given their advancing age, the couple decided to undergo in vitro fertilization. However, during the examination, Mrs. H discovered that her past habits had contributed to her infertility.

23 years unable to conceive naturally, a woman was surprised to discover the cause related to her personal hygiene in her intimate area – Photo 1. Dr. Phan Chi Thanh shared about the case of infertility related to improper “intimate area” hygiene.

A severe mistake in intimate hygiene

During the consultation, Mrs. H mentioned that she had previously had ovarian cysts and had undergone surgery to remove one side. She had always believed that this “deficiency” was the cause of her difficulty in conceiving. However, upon examination, Dr. Thanh found that the cause of her natural infertility was actually a blocked fallopian tube. Delving deeper, the doctor realized that Mrs. H’s incorrect hygiene practices in her intimate area could have caused the blockage in her fallopian tubes.

Mrs. H had a meticulous habit of cleaning her intimate area, even rinsing thoroughly inside. Upon learning this, Dr. Thanh advised her to immediately stop this hygiene habit as it was a mistake. Such practice could push dirt backward into the uterus, similar to “using a pump to push dirt and bacteria deep inside.” This could damage a woman’s reproductive function and system, leading to an increased risk of inflammation and fallopian tube blockage.

In Mrs. H’s case, besides stopping this improper hygiene, Dr. Thanh recommended that she and her husband undergo embryo transfer for assisted conception, as she was over 40 and had missed the “prime” reproductive age.

23 năm không thể có thai tự nhiên, người phụ nữ bất ngờ khi biết nguyên nhân liên quan đến cách vệ sinh vùng kín của mình - Ảnh 2.

As individuals grow older, both male and female reproductive capacities decrease. A woman’s highest chance of conceiving is between 20 and the early 30s. A woman’s reproductive capacity starts to decline at the age of 27 and decreases rapidly after the age of 35. Therefore, experts advise that women should ideally have children before the age of 30 or, at the latest, before turning 35. Additionally, if there’s no success in conceiving after 6 months of trying, seeking consultation at reputable healthcare facilities as soon as possible for timely fertility support is recommended.

“Excessive cleaning of the ‘intimate area’ not only directly damages the vagina, causing dryness and irritation, but can also lead to infertility as in the case mentioned above. I have even received a patient with an enlarged fallopian tube due to infection from excessive cleaning,” added Dr. Thanh.

Proper “intimate area” hygiene

Correctly caring for the intimate area is crucial for women from a young age, through adulthood, and even in old age. Regarding this matter, Dr. Thanh emphasizes the following points for women:

  • Do not use hands or any instrument to clean deep inside the area.
  • Avoid using any kind of cleansers, including natural substances like lemon water or saline solutions. Use only clean water or doctor-prescribed hygiene products.
  • After cleansing, dry from front to back to prevent dirt from entering the vagina.
  • Do not excessively clean throughout the day.
  • Wear comfortable, absorbent underwear to maintain dryness.
  • If there are any unusual signs (odor, itching, increased discharge, etc.), women should seek a medical examination for a clear diagnosis.