Simply by placing an item in the freezer, the freezer will never freeze over, saving more than half of your monthly electricity bill

A refrigerator is an indispensable appliance in every household, as it operates year-round. However, without proper maintenance and usage, it can cause many inconveniences.

We all know that prolonged use of a refrigerator often results in frost buildup, which affects its lifespan and efficiency, leading to increased energy consumption. So, what’s the solution? Let us share it with you.

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Never use sharp objects to scrape frost, as it may easily scratch the fridge. How can you effortlessly remove frost from the refrigerator?

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First, prepare a small basin of hot water and a hot towel. Place the small basin where the ice layer is thick, while applying the hot towel on the ice layer to accelerate the thawing process. Of course, you could also use a hairdryer for assistance, but for safety reasons, it’s better to limit its use. Once you’ve removed all the frost from the fridge, wipe it clean, and proceed to the next step.

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After cleaning the water stains inside the fridge, apply a layer of oil on the areas prone to frost. Then, cover these areas with plastic wrap or aluminum foil to limit frost formation in the fridge and make cleaning it easier next time. Now, if frost appears again, you can effortlessly remove it by peeling off the plastic wrap or aluminum foil. Isn’t that convenient?

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Frost buildup is a common occurrence in refrigerators, causing adverse effects on the appliance and the stored food. To limit fridge frost, maintain an appropriate temperature, avoid overloading with food, and regularly clean and defrost the refrigerator.

Naturally, it’s essential to identify the actual cause of the frost buildup, such as whether the water drain is frequently clogged, or if the cooling temperature is excessively low. However, if the fridge is malfunctioning due to internal component issues, it’s best to contact a refrigerator repair technician who possesses the necessary tools and expertise to rectify the problem.