5 common driving habits that can increase maintenance bills over time, limit them to avoid breakdowns for up to 3 years

Not everyone has good driving habits, and sometimes these habits can inadvertently cause unnecessary damage to the car.

  1. Braking unnecessarily:

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To ensure safety while driving, many people tend to keep their foot on the brake pedal and occasionally apply light pressure, ready to press hard on it whenever necessary. However, constantly keeping pressure on the brake pedal, especially when the car is accelerating, is not a good habit.

This practice can cause unnecessary wear on the brake pads, discs, or drums. Simultaneously pressing both the brake and gas pedals is not advisable because applying the brake while the rotor is spinning at high speeds can lead to overheating, reducing their stopping power. Maintaining the habit of lightly pressing the brake pedal unnecessarily can increase the risk of sudden brake failure while driving.

  1. Overloading the vehicle:

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Today, one of the important criteria for consumers when choosing a car is the trunk’s capacity. When owning a car, many people often want to utilize the maximum space in the trunk to store clothes, sports equipment, camping gear, etc. Sometimes, the car’s trunk becomes a mobile storage space for some people. Every car has a specific load limit, whether it’s in the trunk or the back seats.

If the owner exceeds this limit by carrying too much stuff, it can affect the car’s other functions. Carrying more weight means the car will consume fuel more quickly, resulting in decreased fuel efficiency. Excessive weight can also add stress to the tires, suspension system, and gearbox, increasing the likelihood of mechanical breakdowns.

  1. Speeding over speed bumps:

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Speed bumps on the road are designed to gently impact the vehicles, warning drivers to slow down for safety, typically in densely populated areas.

However, many drivers don’t see them as a warning to slow down; instead, they view them as obstacles to be passed quickly rather than slowing down. Even if they ignore the risk of colliding with vehicles and pedestrians, this is not good for the car’s suspension system. Although accidentally hitting a speed bump at high speed isn’t a major issue, continuously hitting speed bumps at maximum speed can cause constant strain on the car’s shock-absorbing system.

Normal cars aren’t supposed to jump off the ground like this, so a sudden, forceful collision with a speed bump or hitting the ground can warp or damage the car’s shock absorbers. Additionally, similar issues may arise if hitting a pothole at maximum speed, so drive carefully and avoid unnecessary high-speed impacts.

  1. Letting the fuel run low:

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Many people tend to wait until the gas tank is nearly empty before heading to the gas station. However, this isn’t advisable, not only because you might end up stranded without fuel but also because regularly running on low fuel can impact the car’s performance. The car’s fuel system relies on a certain level of fuel to maintain pressure.

When there’s little or no fuel in the tank, refueling becomes much more difficult, causing stress and overheating in the fuel pump system. Moreover, if you run the tank empty, you might end up clogging the fuel line with small metal particles that settle at the bottom. To avoid potential damages, it’s best to always keep at least a quarter of the tank full.

  1. Neglecting the handbrake:

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There’s a common misconception that the parking brake/emergency brake on your car is only necessary when your car is parked on an incline (and when the regular brake doesn’t work). When parking on a flat surface, many drivers will simply put the gear in park and leave it at that.

However, even if parking on a completely flat surface, you should always engage the handbrake. When you put the gear in the park position, a small metal pin called the parking pawl locks the transmission’s gears into place. If you don’t engage the handbrake, the entire weight of the car presses onto this small metal pin, which isn’t good for it. Engaging the handbrake will alleviate the pressure and lock the wheels, ensuring the car doesn’t roll away unattended. Additionally, your parking brake might start corroding and seize if it isn’t used regularly.