A 104-year-old grandmother revealed the secret to longevity: It’s not exercise but thanks to a particular ‘seasoning’

Maintaining this habit from a young age, a 104-year-old woman in China remains very healthy without any cardiovascular diseases. In Shandong Province, China, there is a woman named Luong Ton Phan who is known as the “forgotten by time grandmother”. This year, at 104 years old, she is still very healthy and alert. Furthermore, doctors have mentioned that despite being over 100 years old, her blood vessels are still completely healthy, her blood pressure is normal, and her vascular age is equivalent to those in their 60s. This has sparked curiosity about the secret behind her rejuvenation and longevity.

Sharing with everyone, Mrs. Luong revealed that she has had a habit since she was young that might have contributed to her robust health. She often adds vinegar to her cooking process. Mrs. Luong shared that whenever she eats dumplings, mixes cold dishes, stir-fries, or cooks noodles, she always adds vinegar to enhance the taste and aroma of the food. Moreover, she also adds a bit of vinegar to boiled water for drinking in the morning and evening.

Her daughter recounted, “Previously, I used to buy vinegar by the box, but it wasn’t enough. Now, I buy it by the barrel, and it’s only gone after a few days.”

Experts have indicated that when researching and surveying long-lived areas around the world, they discovered that residents in these regions tend to consume less salt and more vinegar. This might be the secret behind their extended lifespans.

Kali minerals in vinegar can eliminate excess sodium from the body, prevent and treat high blood pressure, arterial hardening, heart diseases, strokes, and other conditions. Additionally, it benefits the liver detoxification function, potentially prevents cancer, and other chronic diseases in the elderly.

Here are the prominent health benefits of this seasoning:

  1. Reducing blood pressure

Some research data has found that using a spoonful of vinegar every day can stimulate the body’s endothelial cells to release nitric oxide, which can dilate blood vessels and ensure smooth blood flow, thereby lowering blood pressure.


  1. Controlling blood sugar levels

A study in the US showed that consuming 30ml of vinegar with 6% acetic acid content before a meal for 5 minutes can not only reduce blood sugar levels, insulin, and neutral fats but also slow down the glucose absorption process in the intestines, helping to lower blood sugar levels. People with diabetes should consult a doctor before using this seasoning to control insulin.

  1. Boosting calcium absorption

Using a moderate amount of vinegar can also promote calcium absorption, which is beneficial for bones. This is because vinegar can dissolve calcium in animal bodies, and only dissolved calcium can be absorbed by the human body’s small intestines. Therefore, when cooking animal-based foods like pork ribs, duck, adding a little vinegar helps the body absorb calcium better.


  1. Reducing the occurrence of kidney stones

Using vinegar can help prevent the formation of calcium oxalate stones. A 2019 study showed that acetic acid in vinegar helps regulate citrate and calcium in urine – both calcium and citrate help prevent the formation of kidney stones.

  1. Disinfection

In traditional Chinese medicine, vinegar is considered a natural disinfectant due to its powerful bacteria inhibition capability, effectively killing staphylococcus pyogenes and other bacteria in a short time. Hence, it helps prevent gastrointestinal infections such as typhoid fever and dysentery. Using vinegar heavily in the summer can effectively kill bacteria, disinfect, and prevent the spread of gastrointestinal bacteria.

  1. Digestive aid

Many studies have shown that vinegar can improve digestion. It contains volatile substances and amino acids that stimulate the nervous center of the brain, prompting the digestive organs to produce a large amount of digestive fluid, enhancing digestive function, and improving indigestion.