The expert says: Eating these 2 types of fruits before bedtime, the li.ver will be as clean as if it were washed with water, without to.xins

The secret to having a healthy, toxin-free liver turns out to come from two familiar fruits.
In recent years, people have become more and more concerned about their health, especially their liver. According to MSc. Tran Huu Duy (Tam Anh General Hospital), the liver is the largest internal organ in the human body and has important functions such as eliminating toxins, producing bile, storing vitamins, minerals, metabolism of substances, synthesis of blood clotting factors albumin…

Originating from different causes, the liver can face many diseases such as hepatitis, fatty liver, liver cancer, cirrhosis…

However, liver problems are also increasing due to modern lifestyle changes. Fortunately, in his research, Academician Ly Lan Quyen (Chinese) discovered 2 types of alkaline fruits, eating a little every day before going to bed can make the liver as healthy as if it had been washed. with water.

Chuyên gia tiết lộ: Ăn 2 loại trái cây có tính kiềm trước khi đi ngủ, gan sạch như được rửa bằng nước-1Drinking apple lemon water regularly helps you supplement some important vitamins and nutrients for the liver.

Alkaline fruits are those that create an alkaline reaction in the human body, and are rich in vitamins, minerals, fiber and other nutrients that play an important role in health.
Research by Academician Ly Lan Quyen shows that apples and lemons are two alkaline fruits, and their liver protective effects are particularly significant. Apples are rich in pectin and vitamin C, which can promote the liver’s detoxification function and help remove harmful substances from the body. Lemon is rich in citric acid, which can stimulate the liver to produce bile, promote digestion and fat metabolism, and reduce the burden on the liver.

Consuming apples and lemons every day before going to bed can clean the liver. This is because the alkaline ingredients of apples and lemons can neutralize acidic substances in the body, reduce the burden on the liver, and promote the liver’s detoxification function.

At the same time, fiber in apples and lemons can help the intestines eliminate waste and reduce irritation to the liver. In addition, apples and lemons are rich in vitamins and minerals, can provide adequate nutrition, and strengthen the liver’s resistance.

Chuyên gia tiết lộ: Ăn 2 loại trái cây có tính kiềm trước khi đi ngủ, gan sạch như được rửa bằng nước-2You should choose to buy apples that are evenly dark red in color, without any red-green stains.

According to traditional medicine, apples have warming properties, clear the spleen meridians, and are good for the liver. The acidity of apples can restrain liver qi and prevent liver qi from becoming too strong. For people with fatty liver, apples also play a role in helping to digest and eliminate fat, and are a very good liver protection food.

In contrast to apples, the liver does not like durian because eating too much can silently cause fatty liver. The reason is because it is too high in sugar and calories. 100g of durian (flesh) contains a sugar content as high as 27g.

According to M.D. Doan Thi Tuong Vi (Hospital 198), lemon is a very good fruit group that we can use every day. The vitamin C content in lemons is very well absorbed and metabolized without being lost during processing (because we often eat fresh fruit). In particular, this amount of vitamin C when entering the body has the effect of improving resistance, strengthening blood vessel walls, enhancing metabolism and detoxifying the liver.

Nutrition experts also recommend that when using fruits such as lemons, oranges, and grapefruits, you should eat whole cloves to add fiber, help laxatives, and eliminate toxins from the body through the digestive tract. This also means reducing the burden on the liver’s activities.

Nutrition experts also recommend that when using fruits such as lemons, oranges, and grapefruits, you should eat whole cloves to add fiber, help laxatives, and eliminate toxins from the body through the digestive tract. This also means reducing the burden on the liver’s activities.

However, we should consume lemons in moderation. According to a study published in the Pan African Medical Journal in 2018, citric acid in lemons can erode tooth enamel, negatively affecting oral health when you consume lemons a lot and regularly. People with acid reflux will easily experience heartburn when consuming too much lemon, especially when hungry.

Chuyên gia tiết lộ: Ăn 2 loại trái cây có tính kiềm trước khi đi ngủ, gan sạch như được rửa bằng nước-3Lemon peel contains D-Limonene – a substance that plays a role in removing toxic substances from the body, contributing to liver protection.

Note, in addition to eating apples and lemons before going to bed, we also have other ways to protect liver health:

First of all, maintain good living habits, avoid bad habits such as drinking alcohol and smoking. Harmful substances in alcohol and cigarettes can cause serious damage to the liver and increase the risk of liver disease.

Second, eat sensibly, avoid eating too much, especially foods containing fat and sugar. Eating too much fat and sugar can lead to fat accumulation in the liver, increasing the risk of diseases such as fatty liver. In addition, you should maintain a moderate level of exercise to enhance the body’s metabolic function and promote the liver’s detoxification ability.