Kim Seon-ho reveals his appearance fee during unknown period “18,000 won per performance, not enough for living expenses”

Actor Kim Seon-ho revealed his appearance fee during his unknown period

On Feb 29th, a video featuring Kim Seon-ho was released on the YouTube channel “by PDC”.

Hearing the production team say “I heard from an actor once that you’re a role model for all thespians working in open-run performances. Before then, I had never heard of the term ‘open run’. There are performances that continue to run without a deadline“, Kim Seon-ho said, “From ‘Rooftop Room Cat’ to ‘New Boeing Boeing’…

Kim Seon-ho then reminisced, “After numerous performances over the years, we have a clear analysis of the character and all we need to do is perform it according to that, like a manual. But at the same time, it means it’s hard to make that role yours. Not to mention, open runs are cheap. My paycheck was 18 thousand won at that time… When I starred in ‘Sherlock’.

He confessed, “I could pay for transportation and meals that day but not my phone bills. That’s why I lived with my parents when I was working in theater. Yet, I felt proud to do what I was passionate about. Some might find that naive of me. But to this day, it’s more about what I enjoy than money. I was a very passionate person. Clueless of the world and just having fun.”

Upon hearing this, the production team speculated, “Were your parents against your dreams?” Kim Seon-ho revealed, “No, they were supportive. They told me when I first said I wanted to become an actor in high school. ‘Sure! Go for it!’ They were born during hard times and had to give up their dreams to focus on making ends meet. So, they were happy their son had a dream. They supported me. On one condition! They will pay for my university education.”

Kim Seon-ho continued, “Even when I got my first role, they didn’t say anything. They were just happy about me performing. I think all my parents truly wanted was for me to be happy.” The production team asked, “Do your parents still come to see your performances?” Kim Seon-ho replied, “They did once. They came to watch ‘Memory in Dream’ a while ago. My parents are gentle souls. Very innocent at heart, as well.