Stray Kids’ Hyunjin Received Death Threats on His Birthday – Shocking Perpetrators

Fans of Stray Kids’ Felix are sending various death threats and malicious messages to Hyunjin on the latter’s birthday.

On March 20 – the birthday of Stray Kids’ Hyunjin, the male idol’s hashtag on Chinese SNS platform Weibo suddenly became filled with faceshaming and slutshaming messages.

Additionally, the people who send these messages also set their avatars into an image that says “Death Day Hyunjin”, indirectly sending death threats to the male idol on his very birthday.

It is known that the perpetrators behind these actions are a group of fans who stan Stray Kids’ Felix, and these people even waited until midnight to strike the moment Hyunjin’s birthday arrives.

Netizens who witnessed the fiasco have been expressing shock that people would take fan wars this far.

Below are some comments from netizens:

  • Aren’t they going too far this time?
  • Fans of Felix were even spamming Twitter with curses, witchcrafts, and spells on Twitter. There’s something seriously wrong with their mind
  • I always know that K-pop fans are a little obsessed but to send death threats like this is seriously concerning…
  • I hope fans of Hyunjin and the company are planning to strike these people back. They need to be sued or locked up…