​Hairless Cat With No Eyes Becomes Internet Sensation

A hairless cat with no eyeballs has become an internet sensation, having amassed an army of fans on Instagram, TikTok and Facebook.

Jasper the cat was adopted by his owner Kelli at the age of two, when he was ‘seemingly healthy’.

However, a couple of years later he was diagnosed with FHV (feline herpes virus), and later developeda corneal ulcer in his right eye – which became so bad that he had to have it removed.


Credit: Instagram/@jazzy.purrs

According to his Facebook page, which has more than 11,000 likes, he ‘went on being a happy, healthy, now one eyes kitty’, but in September 2018 he got a corneal ulcer in his remaining eye. Once again, removal was Jasper’s only option, meaning he would be completely blind.

Credit: Instagram/@jazzy.purrsAdvert

Thankfully, the moggy managed to adapt ‘super well’ – although a mild stroke in April 2019 meant he wasn’t out of the woods just yet.

“It was a terrifying experience trying to figure out what was going on, why he woke me up spinning in circles, but the diagnosis was a relief,” his owner wrote on Facebook.

“The cause is unknown, which is unfortunately common, but it means it wasn’t caused by any of the awful things that we know can cause one.”

Jasper before he lost his eyes. Credit: Instagram/@jazzy.purrsMore Like ThisMore Like This1 of 6News'Permanently Sad' Cat Becomes Internet Sensation Because Of Unique Facial MarkingsCommunityDog With Whopping 12in Snout Becomes Internet Sensation CommunityRare Genetic Condition Leaves Cat With Dazzling Two-Tone EyesNewsCat With A Permanent Scowl Has Become An Internet Sensation NewsCat Given Human Face Mask With Eye Holes To Protect From CoronavirusNews​Cat Gets Tail Shaved For Surgery And Seriously Weirds Out The InternetAdvert

Thankfully, since then Jasper has recovered ‘almost 100%’, and while he walks with a bit more caution and sometimes appears unsure of where he is,he’s ‘otherwise extremely healthy’.

Now 12 years old, the vet has even said there’s no reason to believe he won’t live another 10 years like other cats often do.

The ‘hairless eyeless wonder’ is now famous online for his unique appearance, having built an audience of more than 63,000 followers on Instagram and 50,000 on TikTok.

Credit: Instagram/@jazzy.purrsAdvert

He’s become something of a cult figure, with owner Kelli telling BuzzFeed: “I get art of him all the time, and at least five people have gotten him tattooed on them, and that’s not including me!

“It’s wild, but so, so appreciated!”

Kelli continued to urge others to think about adopting pets with disabilities, as they can often be overlooked.


“A blind cat can still live a very fulfilling, happy life,” Kelli said.

“If you’re thinking of adopting a pet, maybe take a look at the less loved: the elderly, the disabled. They may just be the best companion you’ll ever have.”

Link nguồn : https://www.ladbible.com/news/animals-hairless-cat-with-no-eyes-becomes-internet-sensation-20200911