JISOO On Her New Chapter In Life And What Bliss Truly Means To Her

JISOO. Not many names in this world wield the same power. A record-breaking singer, fashion and beauty darling, passionate actress, and more, JISOO holds many titles. Now, she adds another to the list: Vogue Hong Kong cover star

JISOO is one of the most well-known stars in the 21st century. Yet, there’s an undeniable warmth and approachability to the singer-actor that is truly disarming. JISOO’s soft, eye-crinkling smile is refreshingly genuine — she has the kind of smile that makes you want to smile right back. Whether she’s performing on stage for thousands of adoring fans or simply interacting with the crew on the set of her Vogue Hong Kong cover shoot, JISOO has the ability to light up the room with her infectious joy that seems to emanate from deep within. Her radiant positivity has inspired her new label, ‘BLISSOO’, a play on her name and the word “bliss”, symbolising her embodiment of happiness.

Trinity necklace, bracelet and ring in white gold, yellow gold & pink gold, all Cartier.

Trinity necklace in white gold, yellow gold & pink gold and Trinity ring in white gold, yellow gold & pink gold with diamonds, all Cartier.

In a world that often feels overwhelmingly complex and fast-paced, the pursuit of happiness can seem like an elusive goal. But for JISOO, the doorway to true bliss already lies within each of us. “A big part of how we experience situations depends on our own perspective,” she muses. “So in my own life, I try to pay more attention to how I feel, to love and take care of myself, and eventually find happiness in every situation.” As she flips open a new chapter in life, JISOO is focusing on what really matters: finding joy in being true to herself, and spreading her happiness to the world.

Trinity earring, necklace, bracelet and ring in white gold, yellow gold & pink gold, Trinity rings in white gold, yellow gold & pink gold with diamonds and Panthère de Cartier watch in yellow gold with diamonds, all Cartier.

Trinity necklace, bracelet and rings in white gold, yellow gold & pink gold and Trinity ring in white gold, yellow gold & pink gold with diamonds, all Cartier.

This is your first time gracing the cover of Vogue Hong Kong. How do you feel? Can you share your favourite memory from the Vogue Hong Kong photoshoot? 

I particularly remember the very first shot we took. Since it was my first time working with Vogue Hong Kong, I wanted to show a fresh side of myself, and I think we managed to capture it well—that’s why I’m looking forward to seeing this cover even more! Through these images, I also hope you all can feel the synergy between myself and Vogue Hong Kong.

You visited Hong Kong on a world tour last year. Did you get to try any Hong Kong food or visit any landmarks? If yes, which food or activity was your favourite? 

I performed in Hong Kong for three days, and the day after our concert happened to be Jennie’s birthday, so we had a birthday party with the fans on stage. Hong Kong was an impressively memorable city in many ways, even though I couldn’t go sightseeing much. During my time in Hong Kong, our staff prepared food from various famous Hong Kong restaurants for us, so I was able to taste a variety of local dishes. One night after our concert, Lisa and I ate at a well-known seafood restaurant together, and it was really delicious!

Trinity earring, necklace, bracelet and ring in white gold, yellow gold & pink gold, Trinity rings in white gold, yellow gold & pink gold with diamonds and Panthère de Cartier watch in yellow gold with diamonds, all Cartier.

You are flipping open a new chapter of your life and will be turning 30 next year. How would you say you’ve grown as a person and an artist? If you could say something to 21-year-old JISOO, who just debuted, what would you say? 

Since my debut, both Kim Ji-soo the individual and JISOO the artist have grown through strong teamwork and mutual support. They’ve clearly prioritised important aspects of both their personal and professional lives. So, I don’t think there are any words in particular I want to say to my past debut-era self. No matter what advice I might give, I’m confident that she would believe in herself and make choices with conviction, just as she always has.

Trinity earrings and bracelet in white gold, yellow gold & pink gold, Trinity rings in white gold, yellow gold & pink gold with diamond and Baignoire watch in yellow gold, all Cartier.

While your journey began as a singer,  it seems like you’re also quite passionate about acting. What drew you to acting in the first place? What do you love most about acting? 

I enjoyed being able to feel emotions at a depth where I had not felt them before. There were moments when I was able to express sadness, anger, happiness and various emotions to such an extent that it made me wonder if I had truly felt them. Those moments are new and deeply touching for me. Acting has provided a valuable opportunity to experience emotions directly, and through this, I am learning how to express my feelings more accurately in everyday life. This process has made me realize that I am continuously growing as a person.

How would you describe your personal style? What are some of your favourite fashion or jewellery pieces right now?

I generally prefer dressing in a clean and simple style. Sometimes, I think about wearing something with more colour for a change, but I usually end up choosing the most basic outfit anyway. So I like wearing minimalist, clean outfits styled with different accessories. Hmm… I like all kinds of accessories so it’s hard to choose, but if I had to pick my favourites, I like rings and watches the best.

Trinity earrings and rings in white gold, yellow gold & pink gold with diamonds, Trinity bracelet in white gold, yellow gold & pink gold and Baignoire watch in yellow gold, all Cartier.

Trinity earrings and rings in white gold, yellow gold & pink gold with diamonds, Trinity bracelet in white gold, yellow gold & pink gold and Baignoire watch in yellow gold, all Cartier.

How are you spending your summer? Have you picked up any new hobbies?

You’re right, summer is already here! Even though we are doing this interview in April, the weather has gotten quite warm. Flowers are blooming beautifully, and being surrounded by lush leaves on the trees feels like a breath of fresh air — it’s hard not to feel cheerful on days like these. I haven’t taken on any new hobbies lately, but I often go on walks in my free time now. On days when the weather is too nice but I’m short on time, I enjoy just sitting for a bit on the bench outside my home, taking in the breeze — it’s healing. Not too long ago, lazing in bed was my favourite thing to do, but it’s different now.

Trinity ring in white gold, yellow gold & pink gold with diamonds, Cartier.

How would you describe your relationship with your fans? Any words for your Hong Kong fans?

From the moment I introduced myself to the world as an artist, BLINKs and I have shared a precious relationship. We walk through life together side by side, cheer each other on, and fill each other’s lives with love. That’s why, with all my heart, I always want to bring infinite happiness to BLINKs. I want to tell them I love them every day, even though words can never be enough. And I also want to say something to Hong Kong BLINKs. I still can’t forget the moment we shared at the concert. Thank you for always welcoming me with unwavering support. Let’s meet again with big smiles. I love you!