Austrian Man Spends Record-Breaking 150 Minutes In Box Filled With Ice Cubes

Man Spends Record-Breaking 150 Minutes In Box Filled With Ice CubesPA Images

For most people, spending two and a half hours in a box full of ice would be their idea of hell. Scratch that, spending any amount of time in a box full of ice would be hellish.


Clearly, Josef Koeberl is not most people, as the sportsman recently managed to stay in such a box for two hours, 30 minutes and 57 seconds – beating his own record for the longest full body contact with ice cubes.

More than 200 kilograms of ice cubes were needed to fill up the custom-made box, with the Austrian standing inside wearing nothing but swimming trunks, as the ice reached up to his shoulders.

Austria Attempt World Record Josef Koeberl man stands in box of icePA Images

The stunt took place in the town square of Melk in Lower Austria, approximately 90 kilometres (56 miles) west of the Austrian capital, Vienna, with a small crowd of people gathering to watch Koeberl attempt to beat his previous record.


And that he did, with the sportsman smashing his 2019 record out of the park by more than 20 minutes, which saw him submerged in ice for two hours, eight minutes and 47 seconds. Prior to that, the record was held by Chinese athlete Jin Songhao in Xiamen, China, who spent one hour, 53 minutes and 10 seconds in direct, full-body contact with ice in 2014.

Not only did Koeberl manage to smash his own record, but his team said that his personal record is also the current world record when it comes to exposing the body to ice for as long as possible.

Austria Attempt World Record Josef Koeberl man stands in box of icePA Images

Koeberl’s temperature was monitored over the course of the two and a half hours he was inside the box, and afterwards his health was checked by medical officials in an on-site ambulance.

Unsurprisingly, when he was taken out of the ice box by helpers, he said the sun felt ‘really great’ on his back – although at one point he tucked happily into an ice cream, a snack I’m pretty sure I’d be avoiding if I’d just spent 150 minutes in a box full of ice.

So just how did he manage it? The sportsman said he tried to focus on positive emotions throughout in order to fight the ‘wave of pain’ caused by the freezing temperatures.

He added, as per The Guardian:

I’m fighting the pain by visualising and drawing on positive emotions so I can dampen this wave of pain. That way I can endure.

AdvertAustria Attempt World Record Josef Koeberl man stands in box of icePA Images

Despite the fact he’s beaten the record twice and nobody seems keen to take his ice crown away from him, Koeberl is planning to beat it one more time – and will be doing so in Los Angeles next year.

Welp, rather him than me.

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